what's the most you can separate two GP before they behave like singles?


New Born Pup
Mar 1, 2022
Reaction score
Hazzard County, Empire State
at what point do you stop having a separate-but-adjacent pair, and just have two singles?
the together-but-apart pigs I've seen usually just have a CnC divider.
How long till people notice "lonesome" behavior when a bonded pair is spit up?
I've seen a pup get removed from it's mother and start to call out very quickly, but that's very obvious and different since it's an extreme juvenile. does anyone have adults that act like that?
If they cant see each other, but can smell each other, is that enough for companionship?
I assume since their vision is relatively poor, that if they''re on opposite sides of the same room they'd be able to smell each other much more than see.
If two piggies cannot live in the same cage due to compatibility issues, then they need to be in separate but side by side cages. They may remain with some kind of bond for life even though they are living in separate cages and they will still interact.
You are right sight isnt their strongest sense but it wouldn’t be recommended for them to be at opposite sides of the room. Either in divide c&c or two separate cages but side by side it’s the best way to keep separated piggies so they can have a full range of interaction - smell, hearing, sight and body language are all important ways of communicating so they need to be close enough together to have that