What's the largest group of sows living happily together?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 26, 2010
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Just out of interest, just wondering how many sows people on here have living together? And do they have a neutered boar to keep the peace or not?

One day, in the distant future, I'd love a huuuge group of sows.

My largest group was 15, there was a neutered boar in there for a while but he lost so much weight from loving all his women that I had to move him out with just a couple of his favourites. The girls didn't need him for keeping the peace - the dominant female Lulu Lollipops (a benign dictator) was always the boss.

15 here too, although the group itself is always changing. One fat neutered boar and his harem! I can take pigs out and put others in, no problem. When my previous neutered boar died, all he'll broke loose in the group without him, there are some very stroppy sows in there! Most sows I've had in a group other than that is 4, without boar, but this is down to space mainly

I have 6 and a boar like Niki.

I'd also love a HUGE pen of them one day after I win the lottery :(|)
At the rescue there's often 15-20 girls with one neutered boar, like at Sophie's. No intros are needed, just plop piggy right down in the pen :))

For myself I'd love one or two more girls so I'd have 5 girls and a boar, but at the moment it's not possible.
lol I only have 5 sows living together, so a tiny number compared to others. Maybe I'll make some more space and have a few more in the future...
I have 10 sows living with a neautered boar and he certainly keeps the peace!
my biggest group is 23 sows living with a neutered boar :) they all got on fine even though there are some right bossy madams in the group.
i have 2 neutered boars 1 boar has 3 sows and the other has 3 sows none of them will let me add another sow to there group when ever ive tried all hell broke loose:...
I have 7 girls with BillyPig. He does tend to break up any squabbles but strangely enough if I take him out the girls go about their business with no trouble at all. They all want the man maybe...? Or perhaps they're arguing about who DOESN'T want him, ha!
Wow all these lucky boars living with so many females! :(|) I have 2 girls who have lived together for 5 1/2 years but my baby female guinea pig will be in with them in a weeks time. :) So 3! :)) I wouldn't get a neutered boar to live with them now as my 2 girls have been boss for a long time and it would be unfair on them to have a new one come along and be boss! ;)
Thanks :) I'd love to have 15 girls together! I have two only at the moment, but they do squabble a bit! Lola is so bossy. But I'm definitely getting a couple more girls once my new cage in the shed is ready. :)
Well, you all know mine - eight girls for one busy boy!
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