What's that noise?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 10, 2011
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So, don't think me a cruel parent, but I am currently experimenting on my piggies :red

I am trying to get them to associate the ringing of a small bell with food, with the aim being that they eventually walk to the bell and ring it to get food.

Part one of the test was the ring the bell as they were fed veg, but as soon as the bell tinkled (it's a small quiet one) they both ran off! My question is, once they were at a safe distance they held their ground, but one piggie who is normally silent, makes a brrrrr noise every time I tinkle the bell.

I'm wondering what that means. I would say 'fear', but he does it sometimes when we come in with salad, so is it a purr? What noise could he be making that covers 'yay peppers!' and 'a bell is trying to kill me'?

Brrrrr covers it pretty well, and he sometimes (not always) vibrates as he does it.
brrr with a ring indeed is fear- mine all do it with certain noises- theres a difference between the brrrr types ha ha!
Brrrrr is their "I'm not happy, stop doing that!" noise rolleyes I rattled my keys earlier when I was going out & all 3 of mine Brrrrrrrrrrd lol :)
My 2 brrr when I sniff loudly in their presence lol! They have a ball with a bell in it and to start with they brrr'd at that too whenever the bell made a noise. Now it doesn't bother them so they got used to it and realised the noise isn't threatening.
my two brrr (or purr as it sounds more like to me) after they've had a bath and I have them wrapped up in a towel to dry - I think they're saying 'we hate you mummy, for dunking us again...'
mine always brr at jingling sounds haha especially keys ! or high pitch notes in songs, always a little entertaining though rolleyes
I have one that 'brrs' at the sound of light switches clicking.....rolleyes
Mine brr at any new noise that they havn't heard before or if I move the veggies for them in the cage, I lovingly call it the terodactyl noise. :))
Dudley does that when I jangle keys and Uri does it when the telephone rings, also I clocked last night he done it when my camera clicked, he then proceeded to bolt behind a box too
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