What's he trying to tell me?

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Feb 6, 2012
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Hi my piggy George likes to climb up to my shoulder and sit with his head in my hair when we cuddle, today he sort of nibbled my cheek, it didn't hurt or anything it just felt really odd.

Is this a sign of affection or that he wants to be put back in his cage?
One of my little sows does that, and particularly when she's on the sofa, she comes to me, and nibbles very gently and also licks a bit. I'm sure it's a grooming thing as well as affection as they show to each other. She's cross with me today because it was bath-day so no licks for me :(
excellent, I've only had them for a few weeks, his brother probably hates me because of the treatment for his eye problems but I was hoping that was George either showing me affection or accepting me as one of the herd!

Everyone who comes round and has a cuddle leaves wanting a piggy of their own, he is so adorable. They both are I just hope Louie's eye is resolved soon so he can start associating me with love! x)
Tommy grooms my fingers when we cuddle, I take it as a sign of mutual affection xoxo He doesn't nip, it's like he's trying to groom me as he would a cage mate :rose
Moonpig and Rocket chatter their teeth when they need a wee, Wally Whiskers starts fidgeting. Mr M used to lick most of the time but a little nibble usually meant he needed a wee. You'll have to decide for yourself from what happens next whether it' an affectionate nibble ( Moonpig does these as a preamble to licking usually ) or a " put me back I need a wee! " signal. The're all different! :))
Archie will lick and nibble my fingers a lot...he's never peed on me yet :)) Touch wood. Lexi however doesn't nibble and always pees on me rolleyes :))
With Daisy nibbling and licking is definitely affection. If she needs a wee she starts tugging on my clothing :))
Moonpig and Rocket chatter their teeth when they need a wee, Wally Whiskers starts fidgeting. Mr M used to lick most of the time but a little nibble usually meant he needed a wee. You'll have to decide for yourself from what happens next whether it' an affectionate nibble ( Moonpig does these as a preamble to licking usually ) or a " put me back I need a wee! " signal. The're all different! :))

Ours are similar, lick for a while then nip when they need a wee. Most of the time the licks seem happy encouragement.
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