What’s happening


New Born Pup
May 12, 2020
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I’ve had my three guinea pigs for almost a year one of them turned out to me a girl and had two pups all the males are separated from each other’s because they are to aggressive and the female and the pups have there own larger cage we don’t know who the dad is but ever since she gave birth, my guinea pig buddy has been super jittery and never stops running around if you know what’s going on please let me know
We need a lot more information about your set up and the situation that is occurring.
How old are the pups?
How many piggies do you have and how are they living ie who is living together etc?
Boars can only live in pairs. What do you mean they were aggressive - were there blood drawing fights occurring between the boys? If not then if possibly wasn’t aggression and was likely dominance which is not a reason to separate them.
The female and pups are together in a cage elevated on the left is one boar and elevated on the right is another the pups are 2 weeks old, and the was blood drawing fights between the boars
So how big is the cage with the female and pups in?
How is she behaving jittery? You say she is running around but do you mean she is running about scared or now she very active.
Is she agitated by the fact that the boys are so close maybe?

What sex are the pups?
We don’t know the sex of the pups it’s the male who is nonstop running around and his cage is 8.5 square ft
Right ok. Your Male will be anxious and agitated because he is in the presence of females but can’t get to them.
He will calm down but you need to make sure that he cannot climb into the cages where females are
Ok thank you I just wanted to make sure nothing was wrong and there is a top to the cage so he can not get in (he did when there was not top)
Ok thank you I just wanted to make sure nothing was wrong and there is a top to the cage so he can not get in (he did when there was not top)
I would be starting to read the sexing guide in the Guinea Pig Guides section found in the green bar at the top of the page and familiarise yourself with the technique as any Male pup will have to be separated from Mum at 3 weeks or 250 gms in weight