What's going on?

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Our new piggies seem very fickle. What's going on? Are they still getting used to us? (It's been a week)

First off Tempura doesn't put up a fight when we want to pet her or pick her up but once she's out of the cage and on the floor she tries to get away. If she's sitting on our chests she'll just sit. Sometimes when we put her back in the cage she tries nips at us. She's never made any noises to my knowledge.

Udon on the other hand will run and run around. I've got it to the point where I can say "Touch, touch, touch" in a calm voice and she lets me pet her and sometimes pick her up. She's calm usually during bonding time. Sometimes when she's on our bellies or chests and I'm petting her she'll make noises.

How do I get them to understand that my boyfriend and I are good people? We try to give them snacks only when we want to play. (Though I give them "salad" everyday) Am I doing something wrong?

Please help me! I want our piggies to know we're friends and not foes.
oh of my 8 guinea pigs talk and make noise when i bring them in the cuddles

and lilly who has had 4 babies she still runs around like a mad thing whne I'm teying to get her out of the cage and i have had her for 2 months now and so dose molly who i got at the same time she still rns around the cage when I'm geting her out

but my oldest too who i have had for a year did that at first but now there jsut sit there and let me get them out

and lillys babies will if she starts to run there run after her sometimes

it will jsut take time maybe a few months for yours toget use to it i mean i have had lilly and molly 2 months and its still gard trying to bring thme inside but once i get them in there fine just give it time
Guineas are naturally very shy creatures, it will take quite a long time for them to get used to people. Our first two boys we have had for almost 6 months and they still sometimes run away of we try to get them out! Still, we are not aware of the conditions they were in before we had them (they were from a rescue centre). We worried about whether or not we were doing the right thing all the time with them! They didn't make many noises, and no wheeking for food or anything for a good couple of months, but now thay have got to know us they wheek every time I open the fridge and rustle the greens bag lol!

As for running away when in their pens, well, ours do that a lot of the time, even if they know you well enough, it must still be pretty scary to see these great lumbering creatures chasing you around trying to scoop you up! Our oldest boy Blaze still gives us nasty nips after all this time. We think he just doesn't like to be held and try and respect that by not fiddling with him etc.

A week is still very, very early days, but it will be very rewarding when they begin to know you, just stick with it and don't lose heart.
I got wilson when her was like 2 months old or somthing and he is nearly one now so it has taken me about a year to tame him with people now he adores me and i adore him too lol... he still runs around like a mad cow in his cage but when he is out of the cage he is calm and behaves lol

good luck!
TIme and patience is the answer. They will take their time to get to know yu and get used to you, like you are adjusting to them.

I've had my newest boys since friday and they have really bonded with me.. compared to JoJo who is now round about 5/6 months will do his best to run off from me, but is fine once picked up :)
Ive had my two boys for seven months now and they still hate being picked up but are fine once being held

My OH has recently built them a new home under the stairs, so its huge and the pair of us look like mad things trying to pick the boys up...they re so fast when they wanna be.... ;D
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