What's a guinea pig product you wish existed?

Hello and welcome to the forum. Do you have piggies?
Something along the lines of what @Posyrose has said above with the added bonus of putting the fleeces in the wash bags and then walking them to the washing machine, placing them in the washing machine and turning it on with the correct program and when the washing is finished, taking them out of the washing machine and hanging the fleeces from the wash bags on the line.
Welcome to the forum

Are you looking for ideas to develop products?
Hi! Not developing anything right now. More so thinking of things I can DIY to make the lives of my piggies easier or happier (or mine when it comes to the upkeep/cleaning/etc) I've been a long time lurker of the GPF for my piggies and was curious what other GP owners thought :)
yes, a hair remover from fleece!
I am with you - I try and get as much off as I can before they go in pillow cases tied with a hair bobble in the wash. Some fleece is better than others - I made the mistake of buying a cheap fleece blanket and chopping it up - hair sticks to it really badly but my expensive fleece I bought is much better. I tend, as it's drying outside brush it off with a scrubbing brush but winter will be more tricky - I haven't tried weighting it down to hoover it, terrified my hoover will eat it LOL. It's surprising how much hair is shed. I do brush the boys regularly. I suppose my wish list would be a fabric liner that does the job but doesn't stick hair to it. I use a waterproof picnic blanket on the floor when they are roaming about, it's not as nice for them as a fleece but it means it can be wiped if a wee happens and easy to sweep etc when they are finished playing but it wouldn't be nice to put in their enclosure for them. I'm just looking on pig cam and it looks like a bomb has dropped, I hid bits of cucumber in loo rolls with hay and boy have they had fun looking for it !
The above-mentioned, especially the cleaning ones and the translator. Also something that can cure all their illnesses, so they only pass away from old age and don't suffer.