Okay... so Cindy STILL hasnt had her bubs but I am just thinking a few things through...
Of course I dont know how many boys or girls she is going to have...
All girls: Wilson gets neautered and they live as a group...
All Boys: They all live with Wilson and Cindy gets a new friend...
I really want Wilson and Cindy to live together because they really love eachother! also if I could have one big group it would be MUCH easier to handle
Mum rekons if she only has one boy to give it away! Not happening! my setup is 2 storey...
a 4x3 on the bottom and a 1x3 at the top... would it be possible for 2 neautered boars and a pack of girls to live happily like this?
If not how much bigger will it need to be for them to be happy?
Also how do I bond a group like this?
Thanks so much for any advise
Of course I dont know how many boys or girls she is going to have...
All girls: Wilson gets neautered and they live as a group...
All Boys: They all live with Wilson and Cindy gets a new friend...
I really want Wilson and Cindy to live together because they really love eachother! also if I could have one big group it would be MUCH easier to handle
Mum rekons if she only has one boy to give it away! Not happening! my setup is 2 storey...
a 4x3 on the bottom and a 1x3 at the top... would it be possible for 2 neautered boars and a pack of girls to live happily like this?
If not how much bigger will it need to be for them to be happy?
Also how do I bond a group like this?
Thanks so much for any advise