What would you do

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As u know I'm a cavy slave to 2 boys 2 girls, they live in the shed.

I have today done an experiment of having them freerange with a divider being a c&c all the way round.

I notice from another post that some are reluctant to allow the boys to see the girls becuase it may cause fighting, now for tonight ive had to leave them as they are and they can see each other

I'm not 100% happy with this but cant think of a way around it I'm trying to utilise all the space i have in the shed and re-use the c&c grids. Underneath is the floor tiles that i found covered all the floor and covered them wih newspaper and towels followed by more newspaper and shredded paper & hay, I'm giving up on wood shavings as i do want to help out starshine if i possibly can

with the grids they are 3 across and 4 down and ive put the grids on the top as a sort of roof to stop them jumping over.
do you think that thats big enough with 2 pigs on each side and what do you think the maximum number of pigs i cud keep on either side

I do still have hutch in there which i want to split eventuially or i cud keep it just for Leo or i cud use the spare c&c grids that i have left to build him a new home

so heres my query should i forget the freerange and go back to the hutch & C&C 2 tier cage

I dunno what to do and I'm only trying to make sure they have plenty of space

Your opninions wud be appreciated
my girls shed is basically all a run made of cc grids all my girls have alwasy got along so are in one hugh run with paper and hay and lots of igloos and food shute type feeders and plenty of water bottle big eazi type top fill ones, the boys sheds is similar but obviously divided and yes I too use the grids on top of some runs as Harvey in particular is a houdini and climbs the grids into next door I also have got some on top of a huge shed width shelf which gives me two more runs, I ahev all boys in the boys shed but in the girls I have got a cage on wheels type thing for 2 boys they love to stare at the girls but are fine and get along brillaintly, my smallest grid run has got 3x3 grids which i use for 2 boys
Personally I would never let a pair of bonded males see sows, nor would I re-home to a situation where this would happen, it's a recipe for disaster....but this is just my personal opinion :)

That said, sometimes the most unlikely scenarios work, though I personally wouldn't chance it with my piggies, not worth the risk from my experience.

Hopefully it has worked out well for you though Minky? :)

Barbara :)
Well at the moment the boys are fighting and i need to put a divider up to last till the weekend when i can re do my plan, no blood just the hissing and rolling around had i have seen they were fighting earlier i could have done it before it went dark i cant find my torch so I'm stuck so 2moro once i come back from work i will sort them out, the thing is when they arent fighting they are lying together and pine for each other when they are apart, things are calm now

I do think with them being able to see the girls is the main reason for the upset so more work but their happiness is my main priority
i had two happy boars and two happy sows, but i made the mistake of putting their cages next to each other, now i have 2 unhappy girls and 2 unhappy males :(
Even though they are ok at mo I've put my two boars at the other end of garden to all the sows ,and Malcolm,{pets at home boy living with rabbit see other post}is in for the winter,however should I find him a friend?
Hand on heart i really dont want to seperate them i just want them to be happy so my next port of call is deffo the divider How hight should this be do you think)

Sally- Another mate it really depends theres no gurantee they will get on i would consider it if my rosie is left on his own cos he really does want to be with someone
sallym said:
is in for the winter,however should I find him a friend?

If I were in your position....just my thoughts :)

I would quarantine him for 3 weeks before even considering a friend, I would give him a course of Ivomec, for potential mites, bath in an anti-fungal shampoo and ideally if you haven't a lot of guinea experience have him checked over by your vet.

Your options are a baby male or neuter him and find a female friend. There have been a few neutering threads recently, if you do a search :)
Specific questions, just ask.

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