what would they say

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Jan 27, 2007
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If piggies could talk,what kinda things do you think they would be saying to each other and to us?

Uncle-Ton 'naff off and let me sleep'

Guin 'Just keep the water and food coming and leave me alone'

Icey 'man I lurve carrot'

Tiny 'Touch my bum, feel my teeth' to all us

But could go on forever with all my lot! LOL
kellyandpiggies said:

Uncle-Ton 'naff off and let me sleep'

Guin 'Just keep the water and food coming and leave me alone'

Icey 'man I lurve carrot'

Tiny 'Touch my bum, feel my teeth' to all us

But could go on forever with all my lot! LOL

lol, that made me laugh ;D My lot would probably all say around the same things-

"I hear a bag shaking. It can't be anything else but treats for us. Give us treats." or
"I hear cages opening. It must mean they're getting treats. Give us treats too." or
"I don't hear anything, but I want treats. Give us treats"

;D Kimmie
;D Wilson would say... "Let me sleep! Or feed me, either way" lol
And Cindy would say... "Stop kicking me you little..." ;D
welly my holly and meggie would said i dont like this i dont wont that for breakfast or tea

aflie would say feed me first now

max would for shouting for lilly

lilly would be shouting at her babies for eating somthing see wonted

amber wouldt say much
my amber is very very very shy and quite and a bit nevers jsut tends to sit in a coner on her own as ruby lilly and poppy run around and eat all the food like there never been fed before she jsut sits on her own nicely
hehe... Cindy is shy at first but then when she thinks she knows whats going on she runs around like mad ;D
well amber is ony 7 weeks old but the other 3 babies are or so lively and chatty and amber and poppy her two sisters tend to hang around togther and leave amber on her own
Honey and Scruff to each other 'It's that human person again, RUN!'
Harry 'ooh i love you Nutmeg, and you Grissom' purr purr purr :smitten:
Nutmeg, 'Gimme that food, i'm hungry still'
Grissom, 'Dont mess with me'.
Duke 1: oh no here she comes again with that yukky tasting stuff (his drugs)
Duke 2: ooo that smells wonderful let me at it NOW 'teeth chatter' (and that's for his CC)
Duke 3: oh for goodness sake does she have to make me move again ::), alright i'll hop back on the nice new clean oh and warm and snuggly towel ahhhh OK
KimmiesGuineas said:
"I hear a bag shaking. It can't be anything else but treats for us. Give us treats." or
"I hear cages opening. It must mean they're getting treats. Give us treats too." or
"I don't hear anything, but I want treats. Give us treats"

;D Kimmie

That is my lot too - food is the only thing on their minds! ;D
kellyandpiggies said:

Uncle-Ton 'naff off and let me sleep'

Guin 'Just keep the water and food coming and leave me alone'

Icey 'man I lurve carrot'

Tiny 'Touch my bum, feel my teeth' to all us

But could go on forever with all my lot! LOL

hahahaha ;D ;D ;D ;D
Chessy( who's male) " I'm gay,leave me and my pink handbag alone"

JD " if its got a pulse ill s**g it "
Paige ,Pheobe and Piper " we have the power of 3 so back off and we may look cute to you but we have 666 tattooed under all this fuzz "

Bandit and Quarter " i hate him i cant help it if hes my bro,but we aint joined at the hip"

Bell " I know ive got a wonky eye but surely you can tell which way I'm looking"

Spring " you couldve put me in a cage with someone who's ass aint so damn big "
Tia( his wife) " I'm fat and I know i am but you lurve it when i shake my booty"

Autumn " not tonight love or youll feel the power of my spray "

Honey"will you STOP goin on about my nose,its fat and squigy but i cant help it "

Olli " i may look like I'm the size of a dog but when I popcorn i can make the house shake"

Biscuit " its my house MY HOUSE I SAY and no-ones sharing"

Cheyenne" I'm the queen bitch around here and you step outta line and ill de-fur you in one second flat "

Angel" these kids are so outta line they need asbo's and I blame the father whoever he is "

Sherbert" I know i might act braindamaged but i know food when i see it ,so gimme it now and i wont hold Honey and the rest to ransom"

Tinsel " i might look like a freakin teddybear to you,but i can pin you down and rip your head off when i get angry"
Sparkle " ok ive got a big gob but does this face look bovvered "

Apple and Pip " we're twins,we eat sleep and talk the same and you havent got a clue which of us is which hahah"
LOL! This is really funny! Think my piggies would say much the same as everyone elses, Feed me, Feed me and oh I forgot feed me!
Gus would also say Touch me bitch and you will die oh yes you will. Reggie would probably say Please move my cage away from the psyhco fluff ball, NOWWWWW!
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