what would be the best way to go about this?

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Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
West Midlands
I adopted Chesney (Neutered male) to live with Cheryl who had just lost her cage mate, Cheryl is very dominant and i knew it wasnt going to be easy. Well 6 weeks down the line its still no better, they are still living with a divider and when i let them together all hell breaks loose, its just not going to work out.
I have decided to take Cheryl out for the time being and try Chesney with my other female buttercup who lives on her own.
Would it be better to change Cheryl for buttercup and leave the divider up so they can get to know each other through the bars first or introduce them on neutral ground and put them in together?
I'm not very good with the bonding and always seem to have Guinea Pigs that dont get on, or maybe its because i cant bond them properley.
Thanks in advance.
Carly :)
I would introduce them in neutral ground without a divider.
as Romily said you need to introduce them on neutral ground...with no hidey holes because it courses fights but do put out a few food dishes set apart! it may take a few minutes or hours! good luck and try a stay calm because they will pick any bad vibes!
when iv introduced my boys to a new boar iv always put them on the floor where they havent been before and let them meet each other without a divider but had a towel ready incase it went really bad but each time its gone really well, with no teeth chatting bites etc. i think you could try a divider first if your uncertain how they'd react then remove it after if all is going well. GOOD LUCK =)
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