What was this jumping thing?

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:o What was this? My Guinea pig was just being quite normal in his cage, then he did a little "jump" straight legs, normal sort of body language (not stiff or teeth grinding or anything) just a very very odd, (very strange to see!) jump.

I'd love your opinion........
What you desc ribe sounds like "popcorning".This is something piggies do when they are happy.Mostly younger pigs do this,but older pigs will sometimes "popcorn" as well.It is like humans jumping up and down with excitement.

yes it is popcorning they jump and twist at the same time its alovely thing to see becasue it means your piggys are happy with their life , lambs often do it in the fields, as they get older its not as much but some still do it right up into old age maybe not as spectacularly but they do try bless them,
awwww lol it does look like they are going a bit loopy 98) mine do it and end up in alsorts of places lol and Trixie does it so high she frightens me to death!
Thanks people, thats good news. I've been worried (my first guinea pigs and all) they keep making funny noises and doing funny things, but it seems like they are all good things.

I had them both out yesterday, one got a bit figgity so i put him back in the cage, next thing, with the other one still out they started sqeaking for each other! It was so cute!
When I let my boys out for a run it's in a room which has got vinyl on the floor but there's also a big rug. They race round and then as soon as they're on the rug they just jump. They're like big fleas! Guineas have got so much character, it's great to sit and watch them, it's therapeutic like watching tropical fish but more interesting!

Enjoy your guineas, Guineafriend!
I was told today by a councillor ( I'm going through probs with one of my sons) that my guineapigs had saved my sanity and yes they are very theraputic , better then anti depressents any day, big fleas loved it jillybean ;D ;D ;D
yeah, it's popcorning alright! i just soooooooooooooo lurv it! soo cute! i know what you mean about the theraputic thing, i've got ME, and my doc. says that my piggies are good for me and you know what, they are, they give me something to want to and have to get up for etc. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Aww your piggie was happy popcorning I love watching mine popcorn makes me laugh when they run and popcorn away :smitten:
i love popcorning piggies! one of my piggies is long haired and when he popcorns his fur just goes everywhere! :)
Hmm, yeah, amazing to watch. I had a tiny little piggie once who would popcorn like crazy when I got him out on the floor. He used to turn 180 degrees in mid air. Very athletic little man. And the books all say gps don't jump!
I agree with all of the above : popcorning! Mine do it like crazy when they see treats or I clean their cage. Silly little buggers! :smitten:
Welcome to the forum. I hope you will be happy here.I hope you never do,but if you get a sick piggy you will get a lot of understanding support from the other members.

You have,,ahem ,, put a naughty word.This is not a really bad one and I use it(and worse myself) but not on a forum that quite young children read.
It reminds me of a bull bucking and pitching.

The first time I saw my Lucy popcorning, I thought her cheese had slid off her cracker. :D
so thats what it is ::) i thought mine was being mangey he runs around bucking like a mad bull when i clean out is cage and everything is new :o
When i give Ruudi some of hes favorite food + pickle, he goes to wait some time then jump and twist alot.
My 5 sows popcorn like mad when they first go out in the run. Sometimes one will start and it just sets the others off, it doesn't last long though but is great to see!
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