What Veggies Per Day?


Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 10, 2017
Reaction score
Hi I really don't know how much, and what veggies to feed my guinea pig per day. At the moment I mostly giver her carrots, and romaine lettuce with her hay, and pellets, and sometimes she eats broccoli. I've tried to giver her cucumber, celery, and bell peppers but she doesn't like any of those. I've herd spinach is good but I don't have access to spinach. Should i just keep giving her carrots, and romaine lettuce or find something else?
I give a mix of cucumber, courgette, carrot, lettuce, peppers, cherry tomatoes, and the odd piece of fruit. I think just mix and match with what they like. With my little woman I tried a few things two or three times as she ignored them first, but loved them the next time!
It's definitely worth giving new foods another go, none of my pigs liked bell peppers the first time round but now they love it!

I'd personally look to limit carrots to a once, maybe twice a week treat as it's quite high in sugar.

Where abouts are you from? Then we can get a better idea of what veggies you may have on hand :)

I personally use a mix of loads of different things, including a lot of home grown weeds (plantain, dandelions etc), veg (chard etc) and grasses. From shops I get bell peppers, bit of finely chopped (no strands) celery, cucumber, romaine lettuce, herbs (coriander, dill etc), some spinach or kale to break it up a bit and the odd bit of fruit now and then.

Variety is definitely key, feeding too much of one or two things is your biggest enemy. All in moderation and variety is the spice of life! :D