What to put in a litter tray?


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 27, 2020
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Hi just wondering what’s best to put in a litter tray? I was thinking meadow hay & newspaper but I want whatever is safest for them and what will keep them healthy and comfortable so should I use propper litter?
Any suggestions would be fab!
Hi! I would suggest using newspaper and some form of paper bedding with hay on top. That has worked well for my piggies, but whatever you think is best for yours!
Hi! I would suggest using newspaper and some form of paper bedding with hay on top. That has worked well for my piggies, but whatever you think is best for yours!
What paper bedding is the best and safest?
I use newspaper, then a layer of dust extracted wood shavings and then a big pile of meadow hay.
Sometimes I use newspaper with meadow hay on top and change it every day. When I am able to get it I use back 2 nature paper pellets with hay on top.
I use newspapers - we have a range from The Sun to The Times lol.... I put a good amount in folded up, top with meadow hay then nicer hay on top.. These are changed once a day and work great for me.
I use fleese then carboard then towel on top lots hay in the corners and change it every 2 days.. . .. fleese never gets wet towel does and easy to wash. .
The joy and excitment come change board and towel is Brill.
My two can't wait to see if I've made a mistake . .
Here's a picture you can see towel and a very naughty piggie Florence who has dicided to block entrance with a nap.
I use wood based cat litter in mine,from home bargains works better than hay as I find hay smells after a day, I change my litter tray every 2-3 days and just cover the bottom.
Megazorb and aubiose are also good ones. I only encountered the former when I had the school guinea pigs to visit (no longer school ones, one of the teachers took them on). But I reacted to it - itchy nose and a little sneezing. I used aubiose for a while and absolutely loved it, but reacted to it. So I went back to fleece! Another good one is biocatelet.
Megazorb and aubiose are also good ones. I only encountered the former when I had the school guinea pigs to visit (no longer school ones, one of the teachers took them on). But I reacted to it - itchy nose and a little sneezing. I used aubiose for a while and absolutely loved it, but reacted to it. So I went back to fleece! Another good one is biocatelet.
Ok thankyou! I’ll have to have a look online if I can get any of them, I looked up Carefresh after it was mentioned but some people are saying it’s dangerous? So confused lol there’s so many ones to put in the litter box I just want whatever is safest! X
Why did they say it’s dangerous? I’m sure quite a lot of people on here use or have used it and I never heard anyone say it’s dangerous.
Why did they say it’s dangerous? I’m sure quite a lot of people on here use or have used it and I never heard anyone say it’s dangerous.
Someone posted a thread on another forum I’m not sure the name, and she said the vet said her piggy died because it swallowed some and it expanded, but loads of people began commenting back saying that can’t be true etc so I was really confused, I think people said that as he wasn’t an exotic vet and it’s unheard of piggies dying from Carefresh there must’ve been another reason😨
As far as I know I don’t think it expands. I’ve never used It but have not heard that mentioned on here 🤷🏾‍♀️