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What to do with my poorly pig?


New Born Pup
Mar 11, 2019
Reaction score
Hi all,
I have a Guinea pig, who lives alone (don’t come for me. He used to have a partner who died last year and have tried to bond numerous times with the help of Guinea pig sanctuaries etc but no luck).
He’s 6 next month and has been a fairly healthy pig. He has been loosing weight so he has had numerous trips to the vet and I have been monitoring every week and stayed stable around 780g. A few days ago his breathing started to become rapid and It was making his whole body move and he wa s’more lethargic than usual, so we went straight to the vets. He had X-rays (they couldn’t see anything, no tumour, no pneumonia) and stayed in an oxygen tank over night and his breathing was a little more stable but no massive improvement. He is on antibiotics and pain relief and they have let me bring him home but want to see him again tomorrow. He is still looking the same as a few days ago. Do I keep fighting to save him or do I put him to rest? He is the best pet in the whole world so I hate the thought of putting him to sleep, I’ve not gone into work so I can ensure I’m with him the whole time and I am just distraught about the whole situation but I just want to do what’s right :(. Can someone please just give me some advice?
I’m sorry to hear your boy is unwell. But well done for getting him seen by the vets so quickly. What antibiotics has he been prescribed and for how long? And what dose of pain relief is he on?

It’s often suggested that you also give probiotic 1-2 before or after the antibiotic dose. You need to start weighing him once daily at the same time (preferably morning) and top him up with syringe feeds. That can help him maintain his weight.

As his owner, you are best placed to know whether it’s worth fighting on. I hope the meds work and he starts to feel a little better soon.
I’m so sorry you’re piggy is unwell. Antibiotics take a few days to kick in so there might not be an improvement straight away. If he’s not eating start to syringe feed him to keep his guts moving until he feels able to eat for himself. A probiotic is good too. Weigh him daily. Good luck. I hope you see an improvement soon.
I’m sorry to hear your boy is unwell. But well done for getting him seen by the vets so quickly. What antibiotics has he been prescribed and for how long? And what dose of pain relief is he on?

It’s often suggested that you also give probiotic 1-2 before or after the antibiotic dose. You need to start weighing him once daily at the same time (preferably morning) and top him up with syringe feeds. That can help him maintain his weight.

As his owner, you are best placed to know whether it’s worth fighting on. I hope the meds work and he starts to feel a little better soon.
Thanks so much for your quick response. It much appreciated!
He is on Loxicom once a day 0.3ml and Enrocare once a day 0.55ml.
I will get some probiotic and start syringe feeding today. Thanks again.
I’m so sorry you’re piggy is unwell. Antibiotics take a few days to kick in so there might not be an improvement straight away. If he’s not eating start to syringe feed him to keep his guts moving until he feels able to eat for himself. A probiotic is good too. Weigh him daily. Good luck. I hope you see an improvement soon.
Thanks for much for your response. I will start a probiotic and syringe feed him today. Will keep you updated
Hi all,
I have a Guinea pig, who lives alone (don’t come for me. He used to have a partner who died last year and have tried to bond numerous times with the help of Guinea pig sanctuaries etc but no luck).
He’s 6 next month and has been a fairly healthy pig. He has been loosing weight so he has had numerous trips to the vet and I have been monitoring every week and stayed stable around 780g. A few days ago his breathing started to become rapid and It was making his whole body move and he wa s’more lethargic than usual, so we went straight to the vets. He had X-rays (they couldn’t see anything, no tumour, no pneumonia) and stayed in an oxygen tank over night and his breathing was a little more stable but no massive improvement. He is on antibiotics and pain relief and they have let me bring him home but want to see him again tomorrow. He is still looking the same as a few days ago. Do I keep fighting to save him or do I put him to rest? He is the best pet in the whole world so I hate the thought of putting him to sleep, I’ve not gone into work so I can ensure I’m with him the whole time and I am just distraught about the whole situation but I just want to do what’s right :(. Can someone please just give me some advice?


I am very sorry. Antibiotics build up over the course by the end of which they reach optimal efficiency and then peter off gradually in the days after. They are not an instant medication. They can also affect the digestive bacteria and gut microbiome.

You may find our practical and comprehensive information for looking after very ill guinea pigs via this guide here. It is a one stop collection for all piggies in crisis, which you may want to bookmark: Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment

Unfortunately, we cannot tell you what to do, not knowing what is causing the problem. I am sure that they have also been checking his heart (although diagnosing heart problems is not very easy). It sounds like either a birth defect or a genetic issue unfortunately.

If you wish to, this guide here deals with the question of how far to take things and when to call it shots. It doesn't make easy reading but it explores all the factors and considerations that are playing into any decisions of yours. It is never quite as straight forward as you may think. There is quite a big grey area where it all depends on where you set your own values. But it is very normal that you are starting to think about this and worry since there is no diagnosis and improvement in sight. :(
A Practical and Sensitive Guide to Dying, Terminal Illness and Euthanasia in Guinea Pigs

Perhaps try and speak to the vet to see if the metacam can be given twice rather than once daily. Piggies have a fast metabolism so that one dose only lasts for 12 hours.
Hi all.
Just an update for you. He was pretty stable over night, I woke up every hour to check on him and his vets appointment was at 10:15 today. Got him into his carrier around 9:50 and he started stressing out so I let him out to calm down on the sofa. He hid under a blanket and literally died that second. It was all so fast and I am so so so sad about it all but at least he’s not in any pain anymore. Thanks so much for all your help on this page.
I’m so sorry you have lost your piggy. He is popcorning over the bridge pain free now. Take care ❤️
So sorry for your loss. At the very least the suffering has ended.
Oh just read this post 😞
I am so so sorry you lost your boy, sending big hugs.
He will have known just how much you cared and loved him, better he died in your arms then at the vets if that’s any consolation x
Sleep tight little man 🌈