Teenage Guinea Pig
We've already tried Daisy our one year old sow with first Sweep then Dillon and she rejected them both with violence. So we hoped that our only other boar Fudge would prove to be someone she could love as he's totally head over heels with her. To try and help his chances we had Autumn who's now 7 weeks old. Autumn's been living with Daisy since she was 3 weeks old and they get on well most of the time with the odd falling out. Fudge is now tadpole free so we tried putting him on the floor with Daisy and Autumn and as soon as his feet hit the floor even though he was several feet away Daisy started chattering her teeth. When he ran over to her she went for his head so we had to pick her up before she really got violent. He's happy because his "hello i'm Fudge what's your name can we be friends" approach with Autumn went well but what do we do with Daisy?