What To Do With Bobby's Hair.....

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 13, 2011
Reaction score
leeds, UK
Hello all

Bobby is a lunkarya cross rex/swiss and his hair is terrible :/ i brush his long locks daily but you can bet anything that by the next day he will have knots that need cutting out.

I gave up yesterday and chopped most of his hair off :( His hair is really rough and course - even after a bath.

Is there anything at all i can do or use to try and make his hair more manageable and maybe softer so it doesn't knot up?


gorgeous guineas do various shampoos but to be honest the best way is to keep it shorter. I have a peruvian and a sheltie and just run my hands through them and cut out tats. They are kept shorter as sell as tangles hurt them.Regular bum baths help as well. I hadnt trimmed my peruvian for three weeks due to personal problems and had quite a few tats to cut out so she has been cut shorter again
Yea i thought that might be the case - i best get some practising at trimming as at the moment he looks very choppy lol
hes cute.Mine got attacked with scissors last night and she looks very choppy as well but they are still cute
My long-haired sheltie hates having his hair cut, he just will not sit still! I find that popping him in an empty bath and letting him wander round as I do it is much easier than trying to do it whilst he's sat on my lap.
I seem to recall some folks use beard trimmers on long haired piggies! I have two sheltie girls but at the moment while they are small I can just about hold them still to cut the hair round their bums. They're ok with the rest of their hair being brushed/cut. I use a kitten brush which works well.
One trick I found works with my piggies when it comes to cutting around their bums is to wrap the up in a tea towel up to their back legs which stops them from kicking and moving around. They still hate it but it makes it a lot easier to give them a trim plus I don't get scratched and often quite as much when it comes to getting out those awkward knots. Clippers works a treat too a lot quicker than scissors which helps with the stress.

I have 4 long haired piggies and even if I brush them everyday they still somehow end up getting knotted up.
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