What To Do With All This Hair

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 13, 2015
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Derbyshire UK
So my boyfriend bought me a baby guinea pig for Valentine's Day. Her name is honey and she's growing really big now. Also I didn't know what breed she was but now I'm 100% sure she's Peruvian. Everyday she's grown even more hair!
I've never had a long haired piggy before so I'm not really sure what to do with it. What sort of brushes/combs do you use? And how do I keep her bum clean? I have just washed her bum in some warm water because she weed on her hair. What else do I need to do? I'm abit worried and need to get things right as it's my first long haired piggy and have no idea what I'm doing


Gentle brushing with a small animal comb regularly and trim around her bottom to keep it short so she doesn't poo and wee on it.

Are you going to bond her with your other piggies? :)
Thank you for your fast reply :) I'm scared of hurting her by brushing her probably me just being paranoid but I was just using like a soft baby brush on her but now it's become a lot longer over the past week this brush isn't really getting through her hair now.

yes she will be going in with my girls but at the moment the boys have had lice/mites and they often push their noses through the bars of the girls cage when they have floor time so I just want to make sure they haven't passed any onto the girls because I know honey definitely doesn't have any and I have put a stop to them doing that incase they catch them again, they've had their last course of ivermectin injections so I'm just going to take the girls to the vets now just to see if they have got them now the boys are all clear :)
I am afraid I have no idea as apart from my Ena (R.I.P) who was an aby cross, I've never had long haired piggies.

But I just wanted to say how beautiful she is xx

Thank you :) she is such a funny little thing,I put her out on the garden next to my other girls yesterday and the wind was blowing her hair all over and she didn't know what was going on bless her, her hair is so fine at the moment and want to get her used to being groomed. At first I thought she was an Abby but at the rate her hairs growing I'm sure she's a Peruvian :)
She's a stunner. My Angus is a young long haired pig and I use one of those mini paddle brushes with wire bristles that are plastic tipped. The main thing is to get her used to the brush and scissors. I cut the hair back around his bum to stop it getting wet and also curling into his willy (sorry to be graphic!) but I always give him a brief brush every day just to get him used to it.
My Ellen's fur is really fine and whispy too. When she was a baby, I thought her fur would grow much longer as she developed a nice little skirt. However, her friends decided to barber her so it didn't last long. I think she may be crossed with a long haired breed as her brother looks exactly the same as her but his fur is long. @pig in the city I remember their mummy had long fur?

I use a small animal brush which is similar to a baby brush but the bristles are slightly harder.

I have been brushing Ellen since I had her as a baby and she enjoys having a brush now. I think it is best to start when they are young so they get used to it and it just becomes part of life x
Don't worry I'm always paranoid too haha. Best to get long haired piggies used to brushing when young or else it could be a pain when she's older :)
I can't help as we have short haired piggies (who get brushed as my daughter loves grooming them!) but I had to comment just to say she is absolutely gorgeous, what a cutie!
My Ellen's fur is really fine and whispy too. When she was a baby, I thought her fur would grow much longer as she developed a nice little skirt. However, her friends decided to barber her so it didn't last long. I think she may be crossed with a long haired breed as her brother looks exactly the same as her but his fur is long. @pig in the city I remember their mummy had long fur?

I use a small animal brush which is similar to a baby brush but the bristles are slightly harder.

I have been brushing Ellen since I had her as a baby and she enjoys having a brush now. I think it is best to start when they are young so they get used to it and it just becomes part of life x
Yes Claire, her mum and two of her sisters and her brother are all long haired. Strange how the genes work, she must take after her daddy!
I personally find wide toothed combs and slicker brushes most effective on long haired piggies, plus regular haircuts!
Thank you all for your replies :) how short do you usually trim the hair around their bums? I'm paranoid incase anything gets matted in her hair, it hasn't yet but I'm guessing it could easily be done

She's a stunner. My Angus is a young long haired pig and I use one of those mini paddle brushes with wire bristles that are plastic tipped. The main thing is to get her used to the brush and scissors. I cut the hair back around his bum to stop it getting wet and also curling into his willy (sorry to be graphic!) but I always give him a brief brush every day just to get him used to it.
I have one of these brushes I'll start using that one if it's better for the job :) thank you
I have the same breed as you and I have to say cutting the hair short (yes it's a crime) but it's so much easier , my boy is Peruvian and it gets so long as in it trails on the floor .
Also gets very wet and smelly so yes brushing cutting and washing is in order :)
Thank you all for your replies :) how short do you usually trim the hair around their bums? I'm paranoid incase anything gets matted in her hair, it hasn't yet but I'm guessing it could easily be done

I have one of these brushes I'll start using that one if it's better for the job :) thank you

I've always just used my usual scissors to trim Blitzen when he's cooperating. They're sharp enough that it's over quickly and I usually let him stare at his reflection in the mirror when I do it...keeps him occupied!
I have a Peruvian, he had a quick trim round the back end to keep him dry. He's off to the groomers before long for a full clip, summer is not far away and I wouldn't want him dragging his fur all round the lawn. ;)
I cut hair around his bum to about 5cm. My brothers girlfriend is a hairdresser and I've already booked her to do Angus's summer hair do!
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