What to do with a newly lone piggie


New Born Pup
Jun 18, 2018
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After 6 years of looking after them both, one of my guinea pigs died yesterday morning. I still havent really processed it and I just have a general awful feeling of loss but I really dont know what I can do for my remaining piggie, Panda. He's also 6 years old and quite aggressive (it took years for those two to fully love each other however they didnt properly fight just quarelled) so getting another pig isnt really an option for me as I'll be going to uni by then and I just cant sustain more pets after panda dies. So, I'm in two minds over what to do. Fudge loved being handled, he learnt tricks and hed sit with me and eat his food. This choice wouldve been easy for me if it were him left but I just dont know how to make panda happier. Panda is practically as skittish as the day I got him, hes never warmed up to me and I've never minded, that's him he just doesnt like humans but it means I dont know where to keep him. They've been outside their whole lives in a very big hutch which is super sheltered and insulated - it's their home. It's all panda has ever known and hes always freaked out to get back there when I've taken him away. I have the option of bringing him inside my room with me, where I can keep him busy and entertained but I just dont know if hed like it. Hes eating away like normal, racing downstairs in the morning to eat and he does really seem himself but I hate to think of him out there on his own till he dies, in the quiet of his hutch where he used to cuddle up to his friend but I want him to enjoy where he is, and I'm worried bringing him in to a totally new place, a new smell, humans moving around, suddenly warm, a new cage is going to shock him and I really dont want to hurt him but I'm worried he'll be so bored and lonely outside but I'm also worried hes going to feel just as alone and scared in a totally new environment with me I just dont know what to do please I'd love to hear some peoples thoughts I'm in such a split and saddened mind about this I'm so worried for him


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I’m so sorry for your loss of Fudge :( As for Panda, if you really can’t get him a friend (which is what is advised) then please do bring him indoors so he at least has human company. Guinea pigs adjust better being brought indoors than they do moving outside. He will be very lonely outside by himself.

When I was young and before I knew any better, I had a single rabbit called Casper who lived in the shed. I will always feel guilty for leaving him outside by himself with no company. Please don’t do that to Panda
I’m so sorry for your loss of Fudge :( As for Panda, if you really can’t get him a friend (which is what is advised) then please do bring him indoors so he at least has human company. Guinea pigs adjust better being brought indoors than they do moving outside. He will be very lonely outside by himself.

When I was young and before I knew any better, I had a single rabbit called Casper who lived in the shed. I will always feel guilty for leaving him outside by himself with no company. Please don’t do that to Panda
Thank you so much for the advice, I'm gonna bring him in tomorrow and try somewhat restart how I tried to tame them right at the start with him to see if I can get him to enjoy my company a bit more
Thank you so much for the advice, I'm gonna bring him in tomorrow and try somewhat restart how I tried to tame them right at the start with him to see if I can get him to enjoy my company a bit more
At his age Panda may never learn to enjoy human company - this si not uncommon at all.

Can you give us an idea where about you are based?
This will help us offer advice better.

Maybe contact a rescue about fostering a friend for Panda, and when he goes you can return the friend to the rescue?
Or take on a pair who can live side by side with him so he at least has piggy company through the bars?
So sorry you lost Fudge x
I would bring him inside too, if he were my piggie I would have the same dilemmas as you, I think he would be far better inside 😊