I'm looking for some advice regarding one of my guineas. I have two male guinea pigs both one and half years old (Tufti and Bobbie). Both have been handled exactly the same since I got them at 8 weeks (I handle them everyday) - one of them is lovely but the other one always tries to scratch and sometimes bite me when I handle him. Cutting his claws is almost impossible and he won't tolerate me brushing him. When I am holding him he constantly nips at my clothes and if I don't have enough layers on he nips my skin. I have two young children who can't handle him as he tries to bite them. He has always been like that so don't think it's an age thing. The lovely one (Tufti) was neutered six months ago as they both fought really badly (so as to draw blood) when they were about 1 year old. This has been successful in stopping the fighting.
So what I'm wondering is whether to try and re-home the nibbly guinea pig as a more experienced owner might be able to handle him better and I don't get much pleasure from having him to be perfectly honest. However, I wouldn't want to leave one on their own so would get a new one for a companion (possibly a female this time?). Is this wise? Can new guinea pigs successfully be introduced to a neutered boar?
Does anyone have any advice? I have kept guinea pigs before but have never had a problem like this as they have always been very good natured.
Please help!
I'm looking for some advice regarding one of my guineas. I have two male guinea pigs both one and half years old (Tufti and Bobbie). Both have been handled exactly the same since I got them at 8 weeks (I handle them everyday) - one of them is lovely but the other one always tries to scratch and sometimes bite me when I handle him. Cutting his claws is almost impossible and he won't tolerate me brushing him. When I am holding him he constantly nips at my clothes and if I don't have enough layers on he nips my skin. I have two young children who can't handle him as he tries to bite them. He has always been like that so don't think it's an age thing. The lovely one (Tufti) was neutered six months ago as they both fought really badly (so as to draw blood) when they were about 1 year old. This has been successful in stopping the fighting.
So what I'm wondering is whether to try and re-home the nibbly guinea pig as a more experienced owner might be able to handle him better and I don't get much pleasure from having him to be perfectly honest. However, I wouldn't want to leave one on their own so would get a new one for a companion (possibly a female this time?). Is this wise? Can new guinea pigs successfully be introduced to a neutered boar?
Does anyone have any advice? I have kept guinea pigs before but have never had a problem like this as they have always been very good natured.
Please help!