Teenage Guinea Pig
So spent hours driving to different rescues yesterday and all I kept finding was unneutered males and paired females what a great problem to have. The I decided to stop by this fish store I like to go to and see if they have sea horses (I also have fish tanks no saltwater though so I love to look). They have a few reptiles small animals and I walk by and notice a single Guinea pig in the smallest possible pet store pig cage with only a bowl of cut hay and a water bottle and wood chip bedding. I ask the guy working there if it's a boy or a girl and he just shrugs, so I ask if I can see it. Far as I can tell it's a girl, adult and larger than my piggies by a little bit. She was pretty mellow and is very pretty. They said she had been there alone for 2 weeks, someone handed them a box with her in it and walked away
so $20 later I have a new piggy.
She seems pretty healthy I'll have to get her a checkup, her ears are a little dirty and so is her fur but why makes me sad are her teeth they look kind of dark like she's grown up with the wrong diet.
I built a little 2x2 cage on top of my others and am letting her get acclimated. I don't have a name for her and am soooooo nervous to introduce her to my Zuli. I use a very small litter box full of hay for my piggies to forage from and she won't climb in it yet she just lays next to it and pulls out strands.
So should my boyfriend and I have them next to each other on our laps and try giving them treats or should we let them meet through bars of a playpen somewhere new ? I read the introducing thread but all other advice is welcome please.

She seems pretty healthy I'll have to get her a checkup, her ears are a little dirty and so is her fur but why makes me sad are her teeth they look kind of dark like she's grown up with the wrong diet.
I built a little 2x2 cage on top of my others and am letting her get acclimated. I don't have a name for her and am soooooo nervous to introduce her to my Zuli. I use a very small litter box full of hay for my piggies to forage from and she won't climb in it yet she just lays next to it and pulls out strands.
So should my boyfriend and I have them next to each other on our laps and try giving them treats or should we let them meet through bars of a playpen somewhere new ? I read the introducing thread but all other advice is welcome please.