What to do? Move outside?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, England
Well...any opinions are great ;)

For anyone who doesn't know, I have two boars. Currently they are living inside my bedroom in a nearly 2x6 C&C cage. I love them inside, and I don't need them out of here, but it would be nice to have a bit of my bedroom back for a while. I know a lot of people have moved their piggies outside for the summer and have them inside for winter which seems good to me.

Now, if I was to move them outside, what would be the best size hutch? Where from? I know you can get hutch covers, would these be beneficial for the summer too? I'm pretty sure you can get some which help to keep it cool? Will it be cool enough outside for them on hot days if I add frozen waterbottles etc? What do I need to do to the hutches to make sure they're safe? Some people have sheds - now, would it really be worth getting a shed for just two piggies? Would be a smallish one of course.

Please do not think of this of some how trying to get the piggies out of sight of anything, that is really not the case.

So many questions haha, any opinions are great ;)

i know that it has to be at least 4ft as thats the legel requirment

but seeing as its two boars maybe a bit bigger as they are used to bigger space... maybe a 6ft hutch if you had the room or money...

sorry if thats not right (dont shoot) I'm only here to learn just... maybe
Thanks - I was thinking maybe a double decker one? I'm not sure really. I wouldn't want them in anything too much smaller than what they have now (although they don't need what they have now lol, they've lived in smaller fine)

We definately have the room - not too sure about the money lol, but can save up, I'm not desperate to get them outside, just pondering about it at the mo ;)
yeh a nice double one would be good ;)
I'd get the biggest hutch you can with an attached run so it's easy to open up in the nice weather for them to go out but make sure it's really secure and put them in the hutch at night. I wouldn't say a hutch hugger is necessary, it could make things worse, but as long as you stuff the sleepy areas full of hay each night. Do they sleep together anyway? If they do, they'll snuggle for warmth, just be aware that some nights can be a bit nippy.

Having said that, you need to put the hutch in the shade, it can get so unbearably hot in the day in full sun.

To make it safe, make sure the locks are really good. Some of the bolts/locks on hutches nowadays are absolutely useless - it's easy enough to fit extra ones. If you do have a run, then make sure rats/foxes can't knock it or dig in. We dug down round an aviary which our guineas had access to in the day and put metal grids in as 'foundations' to stop this. Or you could use paving slabs round the edge laid flat. As to where to get a hutch, just shop around, look on internet etc. Depends where you are and what you want to pay. There are some fantastic hutches around.

I might do this with my boys too, they're inside at the moment but I think they'd enjoy being outside but it's just taking that step, also mine are only 3 months so I may wait a bit.

Hope this may help a bit.
Thanks that did help. :) I already have a very small hutch attached to a run, but I wouldn't want them living in that. They sometimes sleep together, sometimes don't...it just depends really I think. We have like a mini patio thing near the fish pond and next doors garage is at the other side, it is in constant shade all day - would that get too cool or would it be fine? I know most locks are useless, even if they look okay I'll fit extra ones to be sure. I don't think I will have a run attached, that way I will have to buy or make another run....

So maybe I will get a big hutch and put it onto the slabs...does it matter if it's in constant shade or is that good? I will need to save up for a few months first, by then will it be time to bring them inside again?

Anymore opinions are very much appreciated :D
I would say these were fine. You do have to be careful with the ramps on rabbit hutches though. We bought a 2 tier hutch and adapted it by nailing some wood along the edge so they can't fall off, and also altered the ramp to make it less steep. You can mount the bottom of it on another piece of wood like a step. Any good at DIY?!
Yep dad is great at DIY so it wouldn't be a problem adapting it. Havn't told mum and dad my plan yet, but did ask them about the little slabbed area that's covered in plants - apparently the plants aren't going to stay there and dad says it's about 6 foot long.

Few questions.
It is ALWAYS in shade, is that okay? Good? Bad?
If we change the ramp so it's suitable will they learn to use it? How can we encourage them?
What bedding is best to use outside? Newspaper and hay? How often should that be cleaned?
Anything else I should know? thanks :D
In the shade is fine as long as it's not dark and damp or draughty. They do like a bit of sun but perhaps if you had a run you could put them out in that. Yes they'll learn to use the ramp. As long as it feels safe for them - just put bits of their favourite food up it - you know how guineas like their food!

Newspaper and hay is fine. Something absorbent is good too - there's a bit of a debate on here about shavings - so that's up to you to decide. Or there are other things - like Aubiose which is a bit like shavings but not as easy to get hold of. Cleaning out - depends how messy they are really. I'd say couple of times a week with 'spot cleaning' the worst bits.

When you say about a cover - do you mean for the run? I had this problem when I had the guineas with access to an aviary. If I wasn't at home when they were out (which wouldn't be for the whole day or anything like that) but I used to worry if it rained that they wouldn't have the sense to go inside. So I'm not too sure on that one, someone else will be able to answer, but they must have access to get inside if they need to.

Don't worry about how many questions you ask. We all like to help and I've asked loads of questions too!

What I've said is just my opinion, not necessarily right!
I have the hutch in the link below from p@home, Mine have had no problem with getting up and down the ramp at all, so didn't need to adapt it.
It does take them time to discover the ramp though, but they will use it in time.
It's a great hutch.
hah when mine found how to use the ramp they used it like a bloody diving board up and down all the time,the boys are worst at it although Rory is gonna be timed to see how fast she is,shes like lightning :o :o :o
I use a tarpaulin to cover them up at night and in the day if it rains REALLY heavy,
because they only recently got moved outside from the utility room i am also using a blanket which i am covering them with first and then the tarpaulin on top of that, will take the blanket off soon when the night temperatures are over 15 degrees.
I use frozen bottles in the hutch and run in the summer, they were fine last year, someone on here gave me a great tip to use the plastic take away containers,which they now use for chinese food, freeze them, wrap in a towel, they can then lay on top of them if they want.
Used these last week when it was hot and they were laying on them.
I have padlocks on my hutches.
Thanks everyone :)

Jillubean - I don't really want to use woodshavings, I've used them before for hamsters and they were always dusty and not nice..I do have megazorb for the hams, but I'm just wondering how much megazorb I'd end up using. I meant a cover for the front of the hutch, like over the mesh, so that when it rains the bedding doesn't get soaked? If I do go for it, the hutch wont be attached to a run, and they wont be left in the run whilst I'm out.

maisydaisystar - I like that hutch, it looks great - going to look around a bit first but it looks good.

Puggies Rule - LOL, I guess they will learn how to use it then :D ;D

maisydaisystar - that's what I meant - we have some blue taupaulin stuff I was thinking of putting over the front at night incase it rains? I will have padlocks on the hutches deifnately, I wouldn't be happy without any on it.

I've just been thinking, I think the area where I wanted to put it is pretty damp and maybe dark not just shade...we're going to move all the plants off and see how it is for a bit.
Hi Jane, if the area is damp, i would suggest you put the hutch elsewhere, damp is not good for piggies, and i wouldn't take the risk.
X Paula X
Yep that's exactly what I thought, was going to clear the area and see if it actually is but now we've found a better spot for them :) Thanks
The rain shouldn't go into the hutch so I wouldn't cover it, it's important that the air circulates and they get the light. For the summer anyway, they'd need a lot more protection if you were keeping them out in the winter. You could have a piece of plastic weighted down on the top if you wanted, which dropped down if rain was torrential and going into the hutch.
My 2 boys are outside now in a hutch that sits on top of a run. I raise the ramp at night to shut them in the hutch. I've got a big piece of lino that covers the run to give them shade and shelter if it rains so they can enjoy the grass all day. I use those ice packs that you can get for cool boxes if it gets too hot.
Thanks everyone

Jillybean - I've found a clear peice instead what I'm going to use. I'm not going to use it regularly, just if really heavy rain or something like that.

swsuey - thanks, it's not going to be connected to a run because then I wouldn't have anywhere to put them, but they do have a seperate run. Sounds like a great set up, any pics?
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