What to do about Sephy?!

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Jul 30, 2007
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Liverpool, UK
To cut a long story short, i have a neutered boar and sow pair, the neutered boar has had continuing health problems and at the moment has 3 infections. I had to separate Sephy from him because she kept clearing up and catching the infections back and it wasnt fair on her. Ralfie seems happy in himself, he's eating and talking to us and wondering round as normal but Sephy seems really withdrawn, she's still eating but seems bored and scared on her own. I've tried her with my other pair of sows twice and she's now attacked both of them on separate occasions, both where they have literally become a ball of fighting fur so i dont think this will be an option because she attacks them within minutes :( i will give it another go though. I cant afford to have 3 separate pigs especially if the sows are going to be upset on their own. I want to try her with another sow but there arent many rescues in my area to try her with other sows. Do you think my best bet is to try her with babies or adults? Bearing in mind she attacked both of my sows who are 5 months. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Love Emma xxxxx
How long will it be before your other one is better, can she see him?

that is so sad that she feels the need to attack others at such a young age!
I know i dont understand it, she's normally happy and bouncy. She can still see Ralfie yes, I'm not sure Ralfie is going to get better to be honest :'(
Oh hun that is so sad, what is wrong with him? and could you find another neutered male for her?
Ralf has just had problems from the start, I'm just getting the feeling he's older than i thought and is always going to be ill, he's had nerve damage in his back legs which paralysed him for a few weeks, he had an abscess which got better, he now has conjunctivitis, an eye ulcer, a bad URI and another abscess which is a lot bigger than the last one. He;s doing well in himself and is eating etc so i still have hope but i dont have a clue how long he's going to take to get better if he does, he's already had the URI and Conjunctivitis for 2 weeks, I'm going to try him with stronger antibiotics but i dont think its fair to leave Sephy that long when she seems so unhappy :(
Hi Emma,
Naughty Sephy! But its not nice that she's sad without Ralfie.. maybe give Ralfie another week or so, see if he picks up, and maybe they can go back in together.

Poor Ralfie! :'(
Yes i suppose thats a good idea thanks Katie, i just have this feeling he'll always be susceptible to illness :( he's never been healthy since we got him, I'm not even sure they'd get on again if i put them back together :(
Hi Emma,

Oh no the little madam! I know how you feel believe me you haven't got the worst behaved pigs in the world, they all go through this S & T had high ding dong over a lettuce leave tonight!

What Sephy is doing is similar to what Cuzzy did. I think perhaps Sephy has been the boss of her own domain for a while and wanted to boss Bumble around. I personally would leave her for a while to get over this little phase and maybe at 6 months get her a young sow. As long as she isn't depressed in anyway she should be ok.

This worked for me with Cuzzy and Eccles and yep its early days with them but its looking good. So hopefully when Sephy is a bit older she will accept a baby.

Hope Ralfie is ok.

I thought this Louise, that she was trying to be dominant, but.. just tried them again and Bee chattered at her, so Bumble got in front of Sephy and started sniffing and chattering at Bee as if she was protecting her which kind of makes me think Sephy is still seen as a baby, I'm confused. But i cant have Bumble and Bee falling out, the minute i took Sephy out they were best mates again :( i think she is quite depressed to be honest, she isnt eating as much as normal and spends her time in her chinchilla bed and she used to be so lively and happy :( any suggestions as to what the heck is going on with them? x
Just tried Sephy with a baby at a rescue and she didnt like her at all, basically she bullied her, kept biting the baby for no reason and wouldnt let her get food or anything :( am i being too soft? should i have left them to see if they worked it out? It was breaking my heart seeing a poor little baby being bitten for no reason, she kept standing on her too :( i just dont know what to do now, she attacks bumble and bee and now she attacks babies too :-\ do i have the only sow in the world who doesnt get on with other girls? :(
Rosie is a bit like that - last time I put her in 'the cooler' - she turned into a vertical bundle of fur flying at her poor sister and I decided that enough was enough. After a week on her own I put her in with a neutered boar and she has been OK since then (although I took her out from the first neutered boar I tried her with as she kicked him out of his own Pigloo and stole his tea). I think some sows have rather big characters (also, two of my other sows will attack any other pig (bar their own partners) on sight as a matter of principle).
Well she was in with a neutered boar to start with but he's sick so she cant go back with him, there are no other neutered boars in my area :( would she be upset on her own or get used to it? Ive rang 22 rescues and breeders today with no luck at all :-\
Hi emma, just caught up with the goings ons! good luck with finding sephy a friend...there's got to be someone special out there for her,I'm sure someone will turn up...hopefully soon
sammy xx
::) Sammy she is a nightmare lol! I know its because shes used to being with a boy but she's such a bully! I'm thinking my best bet now is to get Ralfie better and hope he doesnt get anything else then she can go back with him, the spoilt little thing. Bet she doesnt even like him anymore if i try them ::)
If she cant go in with Ralf because he's still ill or if she doesnt like him, ill try her with an older sow who can put her in her place the little madam! If that doesnt work she will have to stay on her own until shes a bit older then i will try her with a baby. That face looks like butter wouldnt melt but she's such a nasty knickers when around others! She lovely on her own! Caught her and Bee biting eachothers noses through the C&C last night ::) its not as if they were stuck there, they could have both moved away, they just chose to take it in turns to bite eachother 98) my pigs are all psychos! And whilst all the drama was going on last night Ralf was asleep literally hugging a hay roll ::) tipical man! He kicked it all off in the first place getting sick ;D xx
She sounds just like Timmy when he was a baby ;D Wonder if they are related ::)
Timmy has calmed down a bit now but he guards Sunny like a demon and when I try to pick Sunny up, he chases him to the back of the cage and sits in front of him so I cant get him ;D He loves him and there will be the perfect piggy for Stephy too :smitten: :smitten:
She sounds a right little character Emma! And I bet when you tell her off she looks all cute like butter wouldn't melt! I do think if an older Sow doesn't work then waiting until she grows up a little to take on a baby would. But then it all depends on her personality. She seems pretty dominate. If you can find a Sow that is laid back and doesn't want to be the boss then maybe it will just work out!

Any luck with rescues?
Erm well theres Graham, and theres one in south yorkshire but i seriously doubt she'll take to a baby so its quite far to go for it not to work. She is dominant but the baby we tried her with couldnt have been more laid back, there wasnt a peep out of her yet Sephy still went for her a lot, it was just like bullying really and not nice to watch at all. She needs putting in her place but I'm just at a loss as to what to do! I cant have 3 single pigs, id be lucky to find a single older sow to try her with and i havent got the space for a cage to try her with 2 older sows ::) on the up side, Ralf is looking better *touch wood* so I'm thinking about putting her back with him, she'll probably batter him aswell though ::)
Aww bless her, I know she is naughty but she sounds so adorable! Hows her coat coming along, getting that Sheltie look yet? Great news thar Ralfie is improving, when you said he had three infections I was worried for him to be honest but he sounds like he is as strong as an ox. If he recovers enough I would put them together.

As for the bonding, it is far too go for bonding not to work really. And I thought it was only boys that got upto mischief! :)
I know! Her coat is cute, its so long at the back but still thin bless her! She is very naughty and very vocal, i think she watches Bee too much! Yes i was worried about Ralf too, honestly didnt think he was going to get better :( but he has improved a lot, thats twice he's defied the odds in a month! But dont want to speak too soon, he is still a sick piggy x
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