What to do about baby sow?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 22, 2007
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Ok, as many of you know, I have 3 babies just about 5 weeks old. Obviously the two boars are seperate from the mum, aunt and sister.

The boars so far are ok together. The problem is the three girls. The mum and aunt pig seem to be bullying the baby sow, like chasing her away from food etc, and she wants to cuddle up to them but isn't allowed :(
aww. i think maybe clean out their cage and bath them all,then they're on neautral territory and see how they get on then?
they've been together since the baby was born though, and they've suddenly started bullying her :( poor baby :( I was actually wondering if sow her own age would be a good idea, not that I can really take on anymore.

I am wondering if I should try and bond her with one of my older sows, but they all seem so big compared to her!
I have found that as part of the weaning process on occasion it can be good for mum to remove all babies for a short time if she is fed up of Mummy duties and then re introduce them it has worked successfully here before it also gives the baby time to be sure they are not still trying to feed from Mum and are eating and drinking on their own well. Maybe a laid back older sow would accept the baby to give Mum a break for a while? If baby and older sow develop a strong bond then leave them together I was lucky in that it was three baby girls so they could stay together away from Mum good luck
thanks vikki, maybe I will try an older sow again. Just a choice as to who now!
i have tried bonding the baby and aunt with an older pig, who is not really interested in being too nice :( she chases the baby out of the hiding place, the aunt is a bit scared of the older pig too....so am not sure at all!
yeah I might do that actually, good idea.
That is unusual ... is it the mum doing this because the baby is trying to suckle still or the other companion?
I think the mum was doing this because she's veeeeeeeery dominant. Perhaps the baby was trying to suckle still. The baby is now with her aunt, who is much nicer to her, and the mum is with an older companion
great thanks, the baby has settled down well with her aunt, and the mum seems to enjoy the company of an older pig. so it's all sorted nicely.
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