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what tests are done to test for sludge / crystals?


Forum Donator 2023/24
Apr 3, 2022
Reaction score
can someone remind me please how crystals / sludge is tested for? will it show on xrays? o do different tests need to be done?
Any urinary issue will involve dip-stick urine tests to look for blood and protein in the urine, also palpating/feeling the bladder, but if calcium deposits as stones or sludge are suspected, the xrays and ultrasound scans will be used. Stones show clearly on xray but sludge may be floating about/mobile so may show better on a scan, which is also better for showing inflammation of the bladder or kidneys.
For both of my pigs the bladder stones and sludge showed up on an X-ray. I think that was the only test the vets needed to do before they could start treatment. :)
My girl recently had an ultrasound and urine sample done. The vet couldn’t see any obvious sludge on the scan but loads of crystals in the urine sample for reference! Despite being on special diet and meds 😫
Any urinary issue will involve dip-stick urine tests to look for blood and protein in the urine, also palpating/feeling the bladder, but if calcium deposits as stones or sludge are suspected, the xrays and ultrasound scans will be used. Stones show clearly on xray but sludge may be floating about/mobile so may show better on a scan, which is also better for showing inflammation of the bladder or kidneys.
thankyou for the information!
My girl recently had an ultrasound and urine sample done. The vet couldn’t see any obvious sludge on the scan but loads of crystals in the urine sample for reference! Despite being on special diet and meds 😫
oh bless her😞 sending healing vibes her way! its so frustrating we do everything we do and still have problems😔