What soap can I use to wash my piggy (not just guinea pig soap)

Is there a specific reason your piggy needs a wash?
Ordinarily you do not need to give your piggy a bath unless there is a medical need ie an illness means they are sitting in urine or a bum bath for smelly boars (although I know your piggies are female). Bathing them as a matter of routine is not particularly good for their skin.
I agree with @Piggies&buns
A normal, healthy piggy should not really smell.
Does Roscoe have a long coat?
Is there a particular part of her that smells?
Does she live full time with Peaches?
The soap I find at the pet store was $22, for a litter container, I know I can’t use dawn dish soap, so what can I use.


In most cases a gentle bum bath with baby warm water will do the trick.
Here are our bathing tips to prevent accidents from freak blind jumps. Please never use your sink for that reason!
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths
Bathing (including cleaning grease glands)

The less you disturb the delicate skin with harsh and unsuitable products the better because that can cause long term skin problems from dry skin when unsuitable products strip off the essential oils and overstimulate the grease gland as a result.

If you REALLY need a guinea pig shampoo, then order the one from Wee Companions Rescue which they sell US wide from their shop. At least that one is respecting the guinea pig ph and won't dry out the skin - and you support guinea pigs in needs at the same time and not enrich a pet shop chain.
Wee Companions Small Animal Adoption, Inc. - Animal Accessories
As above, how often is the cage cleaned?