What Should I Feed My 2 Guinea Pigs Daily?


New Born Pup
Feb 5, 2020
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Hello, I have 2 guinea pigs and I need help with what to feed them daily. I think I have a pretty good diet so far, but I'm really not sure. I currently feed them 1 chunk of red, yellow, and orange pepper, 2 big leaves of romaine lettuce, and 2-3 carrots (carrots give my pigs the runs, so I don't give them too many). I'm also adding in a little bit of baby bok choy currently. Along with their daily pellets (plus unlimited hay).

I'm not sure if I should buy them more types of veggies... Help!!
The guides below should help you.

Carrots should not be fed in such large quantities and should not be fed daily - they are too high in sugar and should be regarded as a very occasional treat only. My two guinea pigs get about 2cm chunk of carrot each about once a month.

First and foremost they need unlimited amounts of hay, a lot of it.
You can then feed about 50g of veg per day. Daily, my boys get a lettuce leaf, a slice of pepper, some sprigs of coriander and a slice of cucumber. I then add in another one or two veg from the list in the second guide I’ve attached below. It’s just whatever I have in stock. Don’t get too hung up on exact quantities, but offering a variety of veg is best. Be careful not to feed veg which is too high in calcium too often - once a week for high calcium veg such as a kale or spinach.
Then, just one tablespoon of pellets per pig per day. Pellets need to be kept strictly limited to a tiny amount and they must not have constant access to them.

Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
Edible And Forbidden Veg And Fruit List With Vitamin C Grading
I have 2 pigs and I give them1⁄4 of a cup of pellets in the morning and 1⁄4 cup at night I guess I'm giving them too many pellets they do eat a lot of hay And I do give them veggies I was giving them 1 cup per pig Maybe that's too much can you let me know Thank you so much I appreciate it I haven't owned guinea pigs for very long just since the summer time I'm truly enjoying them thank you
I have 2 pigs and I give them1⁄4 of a cup of pellets in the morning and 1⁄4 cup at night I guess I'm giving them too many pellets they do eat a lot of hay And I do give them veggies I was giving them 1 cup per pig Maybe that's too much can you let me know Thank you so much I appreciate it I haven't owned guinea pigs for very long just since the summer time I'm truly enjoying them thank you

Yes, you are over feeding pellets.
According to conversion chart (we don’t tend to use cups in the UK), the amount you are feeding amounts to eight tablespoons per day (so four tablespoons per pig per day). They should only have one tablespoon per pig per day ( so giving 1/8th of a cup (two tablespoons) once per day is plenty of pellets for them to share).
It’s fine if you wish to give pellets twice a day but just make sure to only give 1/16th of a cup at each serving for them to share.

Please do dramatically cut down the amount of pellets you give. Too many pellets is not healthy - it leads to unhealthy weight gain and far too much calcium in the diet. Too much calcium can contribute to problems with bladder health (grit, sludge and stone formation).

One cup of veggies per pig per day is absolutely fine.
Stick to leafy veggies and herbs, a slice of bell pepper and cucumber is also a good idea to give.

Make sure to weigh the piggies every week so you can monitor their hay intake