What make your piggies wheek?

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Apr 13, 2007
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Great Yarmouth
Food obviously! But what else?

I was sweeping up today after cleaning the girls and Honey ran to the door and was wheeking her head off lmao!
And when ever i walk on the grass ::)

What about everyone else?
Erm, plastic bags, when I start losening the shavings in the big sacks and when I start chopping, it doesn't always mean its for them either ;D
The noise the knife makes when i put it down on the chopping board! lol! and the fridge door!
And strangely Al wheeks as loud as she can when the hoovers on, like she's trying to talk over the noise! :)
either of the back doos opening as soon as they know i'm around they start the OH goes out SILENCE! :-X
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
footsteps on the gravel outside normally means me or OH have arrived home, the fridge door and bags rustling obviously thinks it means food for him. :)

and sometimes for no reason at all he will stop dead and wheeek at the top of his lungs >:D
obviously me turning up with a bucket of chopped veggies sends them crazy.
when I get a new bale of hay down sets them off,If the security light comes on in the dark they start and when I get out of the car and close the door they all start.
Any rustle of a bag sends mine off, they go more mad for hay than veg! Maggie the new one seems to wheek at anything and everything! They do wheek when they here someone chopping downstairs :) too x
Only one of mine wheeks regularly. He does it every time either my mum or I walks past him :D
Walking past the piggy room makes Twinkle wheek like mad. Flora wheeking sets Pudsey off, I think he is smitten wtih her although he can't get to her but the boys are in a pen in the living room and I bring the girls in the living room on the table and he can see her and Fleur.

Cuzzy used to wheek at Emily all the time :'( She used to pat him on his nose and he loved that, but I used to go mad just incase she hurt him!
The fridge opening
When I come home - as soon as I open the door they start, the OH comes home and they hide!
Rustle of a plastic bag
And for some reason the kettle boiling sends Popcorn off on a wheeking marathon ;D
Mine wheek for attention or extra loud if they've had enough and want put down.
the sound of hay or food bags.
petal and pumpking wheek when i come in the should, there just loud though lol
or they start wheeking and popcorning when i'm using a drill, stop when i switch it off and start again when its switche don ;D
Snowflake wheeks when I bring him food (especially carrots). Also when he hears the tap running because he thinks I'm rinsing some grass I've picked for him. :)
Mine all wheek when they hear our neighbours back door opening or closing. They must think the neighbour is going to rush round with food for them. They also wheek when they hear my door of course. Also one of my little ones wheeks at any new food I hold out to him before trying it.
Just walking into the room starts them off

Even yesterday when i walked in with a cheese and pickle sandwich

they started wheeking! ;D
Just breathing in the room next to mine sets 'them off. I can't open the fridge, walk through the room, open any sort of bag or packaging, cook, eat or talk without WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK! Even after they've been fed...
daftscotslass said:
Just breathing in the room next to mine sets 'them off. I can't open the fridge, walk through the room, open any sort of bag or packaging, cook, eat or talk without WHEEK WHEEK WHEEK! Even after they've been fed...

Same here! Joe, Ralfie and Berby are in the lounge so I only have to stand up and they think I'm getting them food! If I have food for myself they stand at the bars wheeking loudly, I then feel guilty and have to fetch them food before I can eat anything myself! :) The piggies upstairs in the piggy room seem to know if the downstairs ones are getting food and a loud chorus starts up from them too! ;D
I was in the garden earlier and heard some very loud wheeking going on. Went to have a look and found Doodle running around wheeking madly because Zebedee his hutch mate had dissappeared up the ramp to the top level of their new two tier hutch! I only put them in the hutch yesterday and it was the first time one of them had used the ramp on his own. Doodle couldn't work out how to do it so I had to help him.
thats really sweet bless them! We are decorating at the mo so the girls get their run time on the landing upstairs, if i leave Alice on her own for 2 secs to pop downstairs she squeals for me to come back! so cute. When i sit on the landing with her she chats to me constantly or climbs on me and licks me! I think she thinks i am actually just a larger guinea pig! (this may be down to me wheeking back at her...!)
Clipping the grass shears together starts mine. And chopping veggies, rustling bags. The boys are upstairs so they squeek when I go upstairs shouting hello boys.
Every single movement I make!

Rustling bags is the worst, even when it's not something for them. Walking past the cage sets them off. They try to wheek louder than any other loud noise, so if the TV or the hoover is on they start shouting! Sometimes they start when I turn my bedroom light on first thing in the morning, and I'll sit up in bed to see 7 little piggie faces at the bars shouting at me!
Damonshumanslave said:
Sometimes they start when I turn my bedroom light on first thing in the morning, and I'll sit up in bed to see 7 little piggie faces at the bars shouting at me!
Aaahh, what a lovely way to start the day!
It's not a nice greeting wheek though, it's an 'OI, YOU, WHERES OUR BREAKFAST!?!?!?' sort of wheek.
Damonshumanslave said:
It's not a nice greeting wheek though, it's an 'OI, YOU, WHERES OUR BREAKFAST!?!?!?' sort of wheek.
Oh right, like get your ar*e out of bed now!
if they see someone walk into the kitchen.
if they hear the fridge door, or a tap on.
bob does his bossy dominant crazy wheek if he smells my housemates boars.
munchie wheeks if my bf makes a wheek noise at him (in this case i think the owner has become like the pet ;D)
when i bring in food, when i open fridge door and recently they've been wheeking every morning untill i get up and give them their veg which is not good when your hungover ::)
;D ;D ive had the hangover wakeup call before!

usually mine wait until they see i am awake, then start wheeking! ;D

unless they hear my housemate walking around, then they wheek cos they know her piggies are getting fed before them ;D
I think she thinks i am actually just a larger guinea pig! (this may be down to me wheeking back at her...!)
Glad to hear i'm not the only one who does this! ;D
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