What is this?


New Born Pup
Dec 13, 2022
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Not sure if this is the right place for this, but wanted some advice.
We’ve been away a few days and come back to find this (see photo) on the wall of the pigs hutch. I’m not sure what it is? It looks like worms but it’s dried like poo?
The Guinea pigs look healthy and their droppings are normal. I can’t find anything like this anywhere online, so thought someone on here might know?
It’s high up so the pigs wouldn’t reach it unless trying to climb up the walls.


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If you find fresh stuff it may be worth taking everything out of the hutch to search for the creature creating it. It will probably be hiding nearby as they really like to eat guinea pig poo, food and of course vegetables.
That looks like a worm of some sort. The one time I left for 2 days and came back and my Guinea pig cage had a fly infestation. I quickly washed the crate and gave them fresh food. I suggest you wash it out just in case they lay eggs or something.
Thanks all! I cleaned the hutch out and found the culprit. I knew I’d seen this type of poo around before, but didn’t recognise it straight away. They usually have slugs and snails trying to get to their food.
The damp summer we are having isn’t helping!

What is your feeding schedule? If you are finding slugs and snails around a lot, it might be worth splitting veg portions in half (half in the morning, half in the evening) if you aren’t already doing so, as a way to minimise any veg which might be hanging around for too long.
Another technique for deterring snails and slugs is making sure the area immediately around the enclosure is free of long grass or vegetation touching it and that there is no food out at night when the molluscs are most active. Also, cleaning them out in the evening means there is no poo for the snails and slugs to feed on overnight.
Have you tried copper tape around the legs of your hutch? It doesn't deter them completely but it does stop some of them. Also have you tried Nematodes? They are an environmentally friendly slug killer. At my old house I had "Slug Alley" but then I found Nematodes and the slugs disappeared. Might be worth a try.

Amazon.co.uk : nematodes for slugs and snails