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Jesse's pigs

Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 31, 2016
Reaction score
As some of you may know my Mo has an active grease gland which I keep on top of along with his man bits and bobs. However sometimes he will skid his bum and this 'stuff' will come out on the fleece. It does smell and has fur in it which I'm guessing is what has come off him and got caught when he drags his bum etc. It smells like his boar glue does. Stinky but not fishy. It doesn't happen everyday and I'm just confused because I keep him clean so what am I doing wrong? I hate thinking I'm doing him wrong and with him being my first boar and all I feel even more anxious to do everything right- hence my sometimes stupid questions about impaction and poos etc. I've added the best picture I can- excuse the blue stuff it's just a pot I had lying about that I was using to scrub something that I put it in.

He has just returned from my nans as I've just returned from holiday.

Thank you for any help- :)


They are not silly, questions the more you ask the better piggy slave you'll be. I'll see if I can tag someone, because I've never seen anything before.
Sorry to disturb you Wiebke. @Wiebke
They are not silly, questions the more you ask the better piggy slave you'll be. I'll see if I can tag someone, because I've never seen anything before.
Sorry to disturb you Wiebke. @Wiebke

Thank you. He doesn't seem to even notice it coming out and it's not hard it's squishy
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths
This is just an accumulation of hair and debris in the perianal sac. The secretions are quite sticky and a lump of gunk develops. Some boars are more prone to this than others

Oh phew and thank you! I was worried it might be something worse and that I'd missed something. I have to say Mo definitely keeps me on my toes and is giving me the full experience of how boar's hygiene and care compares to a sows.
Yes it's totally normal. (And very stinky! Lol) :vom:

My Peanut is really bad for this, nose peg required when it's bum clean day. Lol. :doh:
Gross! I've just recently got a boy, all this to look forward to I guess :))

Hope Mo apologises to you for that monstrosity XD
You might be one of the lucky ones.:tu: Fingers crossed. Buddy isn't that bad usually. It's just Peanut I don't know why. Lol. :hmm:
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