My male guinea pig who is at least 2 years old has not been peeing for 2 or more days but instead, has been having this substance come out of his urethra/peehole. I’ve looked up symptoms online, trying to find this exact substance but haven’t been able to find anything similar. It can either be a UTI, bladder/kidney stone (even tho most of this is just soft) or anything else. The substance is clear/see through with green undertones. The brown part looks to either be feces or a crushed up food pellet. I sadly can not afford to take my pig to a vet and I have to wait until tomorrow to do anything. My pig hasn’t eat pellets in days, eats mostly hay and sometimes drinks water. I just wish I knew what this substance was so I could do something about this. Today so far has been his best day but despite that, I still worry about him not defecating. Please help if you have any useful information, thank you.