I mean this with the upmost respect so please don’t get me wrong, I really really really do, I am not trying to be mean or anything I want to make that very clear, as it might sound like I’m being offensive. But..I know how to take care of my Guinea pigs as I’m quite experienced in knowledge about Guinea pigs. In fact, I just helped a Guinea pig get to a vet and get checked out for everything she needed and she wasn’t even mine, because red flags went off in my head because I know such things, that they took her to the vet and got her checked out. Otherwise she wouldn’t have gone. She’s fine, luckily!
I’m far from new, I don’t know if it is something that appears to look like I’m some new piggie parents but I’m not, I’m actually quite experienced. I just haven’t seen this before on my own pig, some stuff throws me for a loop because my own pigs have always been clean and groomed, and taken care of. I studied for hundreds of hours. I figured this could be a case of fungus. But the difference between studying and hands on is it’s like “okay, this is a real situation, not a book so I’d like to confirm my concerns!” I just wanted others input here because I trust this forum. I stayed quiet about my assumptions because I wanted the forum members input. But I’ve had a few post go “take her to the vet for your concerns.” assuming that I wouldn’t and I’m just trying to learn about my piggies health and discuss it. I’m not asking for DIY instructions. I’ve seen a sebaceous cysts (vet took care of it, then I took care of it because little guy got bit right at that area. It was a bonding fail. But blessing in disguise because I was able to drain the cyst at home a second time and it never came back! Yay! I even got medicine from the vet and he was happy about it.), I’ve done every kind of cleaning there is. (I’ve owned 5 boys in the past, I now have 5 girls. I’ve never owned girls, so that I AM new to haha.)
None of my pigs have had dirty ears. Ever. Because they are clean. They are properly groomed. Cleaning ears is part of grooming (though I don’t do war cleanings super often and it can be bad for them) and I do health checks very often. Not over groomed or under groomed. Teeth taken care of. I am not just some random person sticking things in Guinea pig’s holes or a child that’s clueless. This small rant wasn’t really pointed at you, I’m kind of just a tad annoyed about it. I’m not clueless and I know what I’m doing, and I know when to contact a vet, I was just trying to get some opinions.