What is this behaviour?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 29, 2010
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I was cleaning out Gilbert and Ludwigs cage today and I casually glanced over to Romano and Corey in the cage beside theirs to see Corey on all fours, slowly lifting his front body up a bit, sniffing or touching Romano's lower chin or mouth whilst Romano was slowly standing up onto his back legs lifting his head a bit higher up.

What were they doing? It was strange to see. They did it then Romano went and slept and Corey just casually walked off.
Now I am no expert but to me it sounded like a "nose off" which is a common display of dominance, in other words just typical piggie behavior, I wouldn't worry too much but like I said I'm no expert :)
It didn't look like the typical nose offs I've seen of the boys. They didn't seem to be aggressive or even trying to do anything, just lightly Corey touching Romano's under chin with his nose.
What you're discribing I seen my boys do too the other day and it puzzled me. Humbert kept nuzzeling (can't think of a better word to discribe it) into Herberts chin ever so gently. I was wondering what hey were doing too as it didnt seem like nose offs or aggresive behaviour. Herbert just sat still and let it happen. It went on for quite a while...
Yeah its strange. They both seemed to be acting very gentle and not annoyed/angry/dominant with one another, just Ro on his hind legs and Corey sort of... touching his lower chin or something with his face.
Mine were both on all fours, but as I said, Humbert (dominant pig) was gently nudging Herberts chin. Maybe someone else can answer this for us both :) I was going to make a thread about it too.
I've seen Archie do this to the girls (Lexi in particular, who is my dominant sow) and always thought of it to be a more submissive behaviour. Just him saying "I know you're boss, I'll do as you say" (he sometimes has a little rumble when he does it too) rather that the other pig being dominant.
Ohh so its Corey saying he accepts Ro's dominance. Thats sweet. Ro had been rumbling prior to it but he rumbles nearly everytime he walks silly boy.
our boys do this too. Stanley has really been asserting himself lately and poor benson is really having to submit. He.s been approaching stanley very cautiously and doing this nose thing and ear licking too. Stanley has become very dominant when any new hay for eating or veg goes in she cage. He likes first shot of getting all the best bits and he eats so fast compared to benson.
our boys do this too. Stanley has really been asserting himself lately and poor benson is really having to submit. He.s been approaching stanley very cautiously and doing this nose thing and ear licking too. Stanley has become very dominant when any new hay for eating or veg goes in she cage. He likes first shot of getting all the best bits and he eats so fast compared to benson.
Are there any scent glands in Guineas faces? Could be a herd bonding behaviour, sharing their scent around? Will google!
not sure about scent glands but i do know piggies love having their cheeks stroked (as cats do) because their mothers lick them round the faces there when young. I'll be interested to see what google finds!
Oh how very interesting. I thought it was weird to watch. Stopped me cleaning for a few seconds haha.

I love guinea pigs. Always learning new things. :)
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