What is she doing?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
Pickering, North Yorkshire
One of my baby sows appears to be trying to mount the others all the time. Is this normal for a girl? She is 8 weeks old. She goes up behind them as if she is sniffing their bums and they run off so I'm not sure if she is trying to be dominant or feeling horny?
I believe my 4 to be female as thats what I have been told, I actually havent looked myself as I dont know what I'm looking for so am nervous I have accidentally been given a boy!
Can be that Treacle is coming into season.

There is a good pic for gender difference on this link under "he" or "she":

But even at this age it can be difficult for "newbies" to decide. But I would say that if Treacle were a boy, you get pretty constant smelling and rumbling; not only every two weeks or so per pig!
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Ok just examined her bits and she looks female to me as far as I can tell. She had what looked like a bit of discharge come out when I was holding her, is this do with being in season? When she nudges the others bums she doesnt seem to hurt them, just makes them move. She isnt rumbling and isnt doing it to them constantly, just when they are out and about in the cage
Is Treacle still at it today? If not, she was in season.

If yes, and it continues, she could be trying to assert herself in the group.

Quite often, the signs for being in season are mixed up with those for dominance displays (and can be triggered by coming into season).
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