What is it with Guinea Pigs and Noses?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
This is not 'norty' behaviour as such, but I do wonder why on earth Miss Sugar and Basil will insist on cleaning my nose while I'm there with them with my feet up in the evening. I find it funny, to be honest.

Sugar goes in with some urgency, as though my nose is a thing of evil and gives it a right going over, her little tongue going right in there. If you push her away, she comes back with avengeance.

Basil seems to think the same, but is a bit rougher.... I'm going to be able to wear a nose ring at this rate.

Do they need a salt lick or something?

I love the way she washes like a cat afterwards! xoxo

I've only had one kissy pig, when I was younger... none of my current pigs are the kissing kind!

My goodness - Basil only ever got as far as licking my fingers when he was here (which I admit I loved, so encouraged it) ... so I can't answer the "why" but if they're both doing it, there must be a reason. I'm not sure a salt lick is the answer, though! Doesn't it tickle like crazy?
Heidi loves my nose but has never bitten it she just loves to sniff it lol, but I'm always a bit afraid cus I have a nose ring and am afraid of her biting it and ripping it lol dunno what makes them do this tbh x
lol my two love kissing, they lick my nose, cheeks, forehead, fingers, arms, chest you name it, they lick it and they literally pounce and fight their way to get there sometimes!

i like it though, i like to think its their way of showing they love me lots! :)
Don't know about it going up the nose, but I love the kisses my pigs give me :)

Definately a big no to getting a salt lick though, these should never be sold despite the clever marketing!
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