What is best for my solo piggie?


New Born Pup
Jun 16, 2019
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Hi everyone,

I’m looking for some input on what is the right thing to do for my solo piggies well-being.

He is a senior aged 5.5-6 years (unsure of exact age). His bonded friend passed away suddenly a few months ago.

I am currently living with my mother and will be for the foreseeable future, she has categorically said I cannot bring any more pets into her house (I have had guinea pigs a long time and have always adopted a new friend for the solo piggie in the past).

Therefore, I am very torn about what to do for my piggy. Do I keep him solo and he may potentially live another few years on his own?

Or, do I look for a sanctuary space for him? (He’s not suitable for rehoming to someone who isn’t a guinea pig expert as he’s a long haired breed that requires grooming, and he needs impaction removing daily and his penis cleaning every other day due to build up.)

I would like opinions on what people think is in his best interest. Would the stress of moving to a sanctuary at his age be too much? Or am I being cruel keeping him alone?

Thanks everyone
This is always a difficult situation but you are clearly thinking of his needs.
Only you can make the decision as to what would be best for him in your situation

If you do decide rehoming is best then do ensure you surrender him to a rescue centre - they will ensure he is bonded and rehomed to someone suitable to care for him
That's very tricky. How does he seem without his friend? If he lived out his days at a rescue bonded to a new friend, how is he with a possibly noisier environment? I think I'd consider temperament, as the pros and cons seem to weigh up so evenly.
If you add your location then maybe we could better advise, there may be someone here who is in a similar situation but seeking an elderly companion for another eldery bereaved piggy. Is he neutered, or does he need another male friend? The more info you can give the better.
At his age and with needing his impaction dealing with most reputable rescues such as we recommend here would I think send him to a long term foster situation with an experienced piggy loving person who has other pigs- but this relies entirely on volunteers with the time and space to devote to an extra elderly piggy so isnt guaranteed!
This is a very tough decision. Its great that you are being so thoughtful and putting his needs first. I agree with what other posters have said here that there is no "absolute" answer and you should make the decision that is best for him personally, rather than on some kind of general rule of pigs. If it were me, I would be considering the following questions:
  • How does he seem following the loss of his former friend? If his behaviour is very different when living on his own vs living with a friend, that might be an indication that it would be worth some other inconveniences / disruption to get him in the company of other guinea pigs.
  • How much time are you able to spend with him and how is his living environment generally? While human company is not the same as / a replacement for guinea pig company, having regular interactions with you and the ability for you to provide interactions/enrichment would be important if you are going to keep him as a solo piggie.
  • What are the other options available? For example, are there actually sanctuary places available near you that could take him? I think this is a very different decision if there is, for example, another elderly guinea pig needing a friend in an expert guinea pig carer foster home just down the road, vs if your only option is a non specialist pet shelter or something like that. I think it would be worth reaching out to some potential shelters/adopters even before you have made the decision, so you fully understand what his options are.