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What If You Drop Your Guinea Pig?

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i <3 piggies13

Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 26, 2017
Reaction score
I just dropped my guinea pig as he was struggling in my hands he didn't fall very far but landed on his side he seems ok but I don't know is he has hurt himself internally
Does he appear to be moving ok?
If he initially seems ok then all you can do is keer a very close eye on hie for the next 24 - 48 hours.
Make sure he is eating ok and drinking.
Keep an eye on his poop and urine output, and if he seems even slightly 'off' then I would get him to a vet asap.
Monitor your piggy. Internal or spinal injuries can take one or two days to manifest, so keep an eye on it for that long. Obvious injuries like limping or being off need to been seen as an emergency of course.

Here is a guide that helps you circumvent the problem of freak jumps during transport: How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
he is moving ok and eating his veg but when he first fell he froze for a few seconds.
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