What Does This Noise Mean?

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aww cute fella :wub:

yep thats a happy sound, if he's anything like my girls it gets louder & louder, faster & faster - the more used to you he gets, looks very relaxed & happy:tu::luv:
aww cute fella :wub:

yep thats a happy sound, if he's anything like my girls it gets louder & louder, faster & faster - the more used to you he gets, looks very relaxed & happy:tu::luv:
That's a relief! He lays down when I stroke him so I assumed it was happy else he would be trying to get away! But he's started to do this noise more frequently so I thought I'd make sure it was a good sound! Thanks for your help :3
That's a relief! He lays down when I stroke him so I assumed it was happy else he would be trying to get away! But he's started to do this noise more frequently so I thought I'd make sure it was a good sound! Thanks for your help :3

My Grace flops out to one side does a chooken & chatters away until she nods off, you can see her eyes drooping, then her ears twitch & finally the eyes close completely, very contented piggy-one of my most chilled out ever i think :wub:
My Grace flops out to one side does a chooken & chatters away until she nods off, you can see her eyes drooping, then her ears twitch & finally the eyes close completely, very contented piggy-one of my most chilled out ever i think :wub:
Aw what a sweet pea! I love Guinea pigs when they lay down! Literally melts my heart C: Do you have any pics of grace laying down? nawww. My jasper is only 12 weeks so he's a bit skittish and won't let me stroke him very long but hopefully he will get used to me! :)

i'll have a look for some chill out pics, but heres a video above from my 3 at laptime, grace is the one nearest the camera with the checkerboard markings, she's about 5 now & doesn't get too stressed if she can help it!

and below a video of grace dozing :)

heres an old pic of Ellie & Grace, Grace has the whole double chookens going on - i'll try & find some more recent ones of the two new girls & Grace.


i'll have a look for some chill out pics, but heres a video above from my 3 at laptime, grace is the one nearest the camera with the checkerboard markings, she's about 5 now & doesn't get too stressed if she can help it!

and below a video of grace dozing :)

heres an old pic of Ellie & Grace, Grace has the whole double chookens going on - i'll try & find some more recent ones of the two new girls & Grace.

Aw cute pics! And listen to them chatting away :D also wish my piggys would spread their legs out! Xx
Yes, it's a happy sound... some pigs are more vocal than others with this noise! Linney was always really quiet, but Sundae 'chats' so loudly when she gets pats that my husband gets annoyed and turns up the sound on the TV!
My pigs sound a little more like the are cooing. It happens when they come together in a house after being separated or when I am petting them. I think is is a happy sound. at least I hope it is haha
Yes, it's a happy sound... some pigs are more vocal than others with this noise! Linney was always really quiet, but Sundae 'chats' so loudly when she gets pats that my husband gets annoyed and turns up the sound on the TV!
Haha! She sounds like a sweetie! :p xx
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