What Does Rumblestrutting Look Like?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 19, 2016
Reaction score
Suffolk, United Kingdom
I can't decide whether Timmy is doing it, if not I'd love to know what he is up to. He regularly "stalks" the pen, low to the ground, "growling", quite slow and steady. Looks a lot like a terrier I had growing up when she was hunting something. I thought rumblestrutting involved puffing up and bum wiggling, but his bum doesn't move.

I'm intrigued about what he is trying to say! He does it whenever he is out of his hidey.
Lots of pigs do rumbling differently, I have two that rumble in unison, side by side, rather than 'at' each other and have had some that rumble almost silently and with very little movement.... They are all individuals but it certainly sounds like this is his attempt at rumbling :)

Also sometimes if they are happy and just checking out their surroundings you can get a kind of happy purring.

Try this link for noises :) It might help even if there is no videos...
Guinea Pig Sounds
Ooh, what a fab link MerryPip. Although I'm a bit confused now about a sound that Timmy makes when he is stroked, his body language says he likes it (he lifts up his tummy or will tip onto his side to let DH tickle) but the sound suggests it is a whine and perhaps he doesn't like it. He looks so blissful though that I think it must be ok.
Ooh, what a fab link MerryPip. Although I'm a bit confused now about a sound that Timmy makes when he is stroked, his body language says he likes it (he lifts up his tummy or will tip onto his side to let DH tickle) but the sound suggests it is a whine and perhaps he doesn't like it. He looks so blissful though that I think it must be ok.

Rumbles can be a bit confusing, as a short sharp one can mean acute displeasure. Then you have the stiff-legged bum swinging dominance rumblestutting (sows do it mainly during introductions and when in season whereas many boars do it on a daily basis). But piggies can also have an intermittent relaxed pleasure purr, similar to a cat. It is usually the body language and the situational context that tells you. This is why we don't have a sound gallery; it can be even more confusing rather than helpful.
Rumbles can be a bit confusing, as a short sharp one can mean acute displeasure. Then you have the stiff-legged bum swinging dominance rumblestutting (sows do it mainly during introductions and when in season whereas many boars do it on a daily basis). But piggies can also have an intermittent relaxed pleasure purr, similar to a cat. It is usually the body language and the situational context that tells you. This is why we don't have a sound gallery; it can be even more confusing rather than helpful.
It's so complicated! There was me thinking that piggies just did cute begging squeaks!
Rumblestrutting comes in several degrees of volume and physical movement, we get the lot at GPMHQ and it can be quite comical at times.
Fudge does a short rumble when given a treat/fresh hay/plate of veg... Anyone elses do this? Its definately a rumble, just a short one before she tucks in. Its the same noise she makes when she goes into her house after someone else has been in there but thats a longer version until shes wee'd in there herself!
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