What Do You Think To This Housing?

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How temporary are we talking? to transport to vet from home, it's not too bad, to live in for any more than a few days, not good enough. What do you have in mind?
Ahh i need something to keep them in as there hutch is falling apart until i save up to buy a new one. what size is recommended for them?
100cm x 55cm x 45cm
I found one this size would this be any good? I want them to be comfortable and have enough room.
I'm afraid that would be too small for continuous use, have you had a look on gumtree or similar to see if you could get a bigger cage for the same price - there's nothing that a bit of elbow grease and disinfectant can't solve. ;)
Fab i will have a look around, do you know the best size for them would be?
It depends how long they would need to be living in it. I house my 2 girls in a cage that size when I need someone to look after them while i'm away they're quite happy in it for a couple of weeks but much longer than that and they would need a bigger house.
4x2 foot is the minimum size for 2 pigs to live in so you'd be looking for a 120cm cage.
Thanks i think i might get the hubby to help rescue the hutch for me instead :)
Have you got a picture of the old hutch? so we could offer advice. ;)
no sorry i dont, i think its more tlc needed than anything, nothing I'm sure he cant fix :)
You could get a pack of 30 c&c metal grids and connectors for under £35. I have no idea how much the correx would cost but that may be a better option as you could build a bigger cage for them with that.

I'm not certain about this - others with c&c experience may be able to advise but you may not even need correx. My ou could just put down a plastic groundsheet (waterproof) to protect your floor and then cover with old towels and a fleece or even cardboard, newspapers and the sawdust if you wanted.
My old hutch is more patches than original hutch with the rabbits chewing it to pieces. I'll be building a new hutch complex at the end of the month. ;)
Hi as well as the size I would be more concerned about the pigs getting too hot in the tank. There doesn't seem to be an awful lot of ventilation
If you have not ordered that then please reconsider. It is 100 by 56 cm which is too small. The minimum it should be is 120 by 60.
Its too small. Your better off getting a longer cage, not 2 small levels. As guinea pigs need running around room. Piggys don't really like ramps and 2 small level are not as good as 1 big cage. You can get much bigger for same money if not cheeper online
Also I dont mean to rain on your parade but that ramp is rather steep. Piggies can injure their backs/legs if they tumble down. There is a big misconception that the more levels the more room also, with piggies it is about floor space not levels :)
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