What do you think is the best bedding?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 11, 2011
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I own rabbits and I use Megazorb and hay for their bedding. I'm thinking of doing the same with my guineas, looking at the reviews on here. I do worry about bumblefoot, because, as I understand, it's the same condition as sore hocks in rabbits, and one of my rabbits has this condition and I wouldn't want to house my guineas on incorrect bedding, causing bumblefoot. Would housing them on megazorb and hay prevent this? How often do you need to change this type of bedding too? I love the idea of guineas burrowing hay, so I would love to supply loads of hay for this.
Which kind of bedding depends firstly on how you are keeping them. Many members use fleece with various underlays for big indoors cages, while megazorb is a good option for hutches. There are other alternatives, though. You might like to have a look through other people's threads to get a variety of pros and cons.
Have a look at other members' cages for ideas and what you think would work for you and what not! :))

You may be surprised how much things have changed lately with the advent of cheap fleeces (beloved by piggies)!
I use shredded paper, but I keep mine in hutches, so it matters a bit less if it goes all over the floor/patio!

I currently use a mixture of washed and shredded paper designed for horse's bedding, and common shredded stuff my work chucks out - it's actually shredded invoices! It's not as soft as the washed stuff though so it goes on the bottom (as it's oddly more absorbant!) and the horse stuff goes on the top.

They also get hay in their sleepy places, but tend to eat it!
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