What do you like best?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
I've only been a member on here for a few days but as soon as I turn my computer on I log on to have a look around.

I think it's a lovely friendly site, I can see that everyone doesn't agree on the way piggies should live ie Outdoors/Indoors etc. But the discussions always seem friendly.

I've already got so much help and info just by reading others posts.
I LOVE looking at all the pigtures thats my favourite part.

What's your fave bit of this site?
I like to hear about different situations where people have taken in a piggie & sorted out their health & they are rewarded by the piggy getting really tame & happy. I like to read about the first time the owner sees their piggy popcorn when it had been on deaths door a week ago! Yup I'm a sucker for a good 'happy ending' story! ::)
I love it all - I love the fact that everyone is so friendly, I love the fact that you've all become my friends and everyday I come on here to find out whats going on and how you all are and I love the fact that we all love piggies and can discuss anything about them! :)

Its all ace! ;D

Trace x
Well i try to go thru all the posts, and yes i'm a sucker also for a good ending to a sad start. I cry every time someone looses a furbaby cause i know how much they're loved. And i love to make what i hope are comments to help people if i can help at all.
Pic gallery sends me into fits of laughter at times and i drool over those piggie lips ahhhhhhhhhhh.
Usually the last thing i get to is the game room where i have heaps of fun and more good laughs err specially with the story thread.
Best of all is if you're in trouble or in doubt about anything, you get on here and there's always someone to advise or listen to you.
:-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
i like the games room, chit chat and any interesting posts really... i am into the pregnancy part at the moment because my piggie is pregnant and its nice to hear some of the stuff people have to say about different things lol.
I love most things about this forum the friendliness the ability to chat about anything I love being helpful and making people feel good when things are going wrong, and getting pms they always cheer me up when down, and knowing some one will always "have the answer"
I love all the comparing notes, stuff I've learnt, seeing people's set-ups, the laughs we have and the friendly (if sometimes heated!) debates.
I LOVE all the forum, but I especially like the fab people on the forum especially as I feel really welcome here :)
cashmincal said:
I LOVE all the forum, but I especially like the fab people on the forum especially as I feel really welcome here :)
You hit the nail right on the head. It's definitely a wonderful site, and the fact that the people on here truly love guinea pigs and want to help rather than belittle and cut you down is great. I ♥ this site, and have learned a lot of wonderful things from it, as well as met a lot of wonderful people. :)

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