What do while spending time with new guinea pigs?


New Born Pup
May 5, 2021
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I saw so many videos on YouTube saying spending quality time with guinea pigs is really important. And the babies are so cute that it’s anyway so hard to stay away from them.

I got my piggies a month ago so they are not used to lap time or Play time yet. Because of my exam I’m home for couple of months so I can spend way more time with them.

I can’t pick them up yet so I’m not quite sure what am I supposed to do.
It’s funny but sometimes I just sit beside the cage and talk about everything that comes to my mind. And they popcorn after listening to my crap. That’s what makes me realize strong need to bond with them.

Is there anyway I can spend time with them without stressing them out. I know it must be really difficult for them to adjust so I’m ready to wait for as much time as they need. Till then it will be really helpful if I can get some guidance. Or things we can do together without anyone getting scared. 😂 One of them learned to pretend dead and I was about to have heart attack until I saw her getting up for a treat!

(P.S. I know they are prey animals so it’s natural for them to get scared but little did I knew they have superpower to scare me much more than I can possi them.)

Thank you
-New slave of two cute Queens
You’re doing the best thing - sitting by their cage and talking to them! You can also try offering food from your hand.

Three years down the line this is exactly what my interaction with my boar pair is. They don’t like being handled (I only handle them for their weekly health checks) or touched, so I sit in their shed with them and watch them go about their piggy business. They will come and see if I have got any treats for them, otherwise, I just sit and watch them interact with each other.
You’re doing the best thing - sitting by their cage and talking to them! You can also try offering food from your hand.

Three years down the line this is exactly what my interaction with my boar pair is. They don’t like being handled (I only handle them for their weekly health checks) or touched, so I sit in their shed with them and watch them go about their piggy business. They will come and see if I have got any treats for them, otherwise, I just sit and watch them interact with each other.
Ohhh I thought handling them is a sign of good bond. I was worried about doing something wrong. And that’s the reason they don’t like being picked up by me! Thanks your experience clears lots of confusion I had.
Ohhh I thought handling them is a sign of good bond. I was worried about doing something wrong. And that’s the reason they don’t like being picked up by me! Thanks your experience clears lots of confusion I had.

Ah I see. As prey animals most will never like being handled but some may learn to like it in time. The actual act of being picked up is something the vast majority piggies fear as it cuts close to their prey instinct - being picked up equals being eaten.

The videos you see on YouTube are purely for human entertainment and do not reflect the realities of having piggies and the experience the vast majority of owners will have.

The sign of a good bond is when they trust you - that is when they will take food from your hand and are happy to stay out and about (ie not run into their hideys when you approach).

My piggies are very friendly now, they come to the front of the cage when I approach (to see what treats I have brought for them!), will stay out and about when I’m around and don’t run off and hide the moment I set foot in their shed, they will take food from my hand but this is as good as it is going to get. They do not want to be held at all, but that is absolutely fine - they trust me and no longer see me as a threat. It took one of them six weeks to trust me enough to take food from my hand but it took the other piggy a year and a half before he would take food and therefore to fully trust me.
Hello. I have playtime every evening in the bathroom with my two boys. It’s the safest room in my house. I sit on the floor with them and they run around. One will jump on my lap for food but the other one won’t. They let me stroke them lots. They’ve got tunnels and hides and hay cakes and veggies. They are so happy. Would love to see some pictures of your two lovelies.


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My quality time with the piggies is sitting by their cage, patting them if they want. I like having the c and c cage stand so the piggies are at patting height 😊 They seem to just like the company and I enjoy it more than picking them up.
when i got my first 2 i sat and talked to them for ages.. they got to know my voice then progressed to lap time etc... slowly slowly wins the race..
Hello. I have playtime every evening in the bathroom with my two boys. It’s the safest room in my house. I sit on the floor with them and they run around. One will jump on my lap for food but the other one won’t. They let me stroke them lots. They’ve got tunnels and hides and hay cakes and veggies. They are so happy. Would love to see some pictures of your two lovelies.
This is a cool idea for play time. I’m definitely trying this tonight ❤️
My quality time with the piggies is sitting by their cage, patting them if they want. I like having the c and c cage stand so the piggies are at patting height 😊 They seem to just like the company and I enjoy it more than picking them up.
Yaa that’s what I do now. Just sit there and talk. When I don’t feel like studying I even teach them pharmacy. 😂😂 and surprisingly they popcorn. I wish I can make them write my exam. They definitely know more than I now.❤️
Just sitting chatting to the piggies is good for both us and the piggies.
I love just sitting by the cage and watching them interact with each other.
They will come to be stroked then go back to whatever piggy stuff they were doing.
It’s very therapeutic.
None of mine like being held but I think we have a good bond.
Enjoy them