What do these loud wheeks mean?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
South Coast, UK
Hi! I often have the piggies in the house but not all together very often. I have noticed that when I've had Rosie in (8wks and with us for just over a week) she knows when we are on our way back out to the hutch cos when I walk past the microwave towards the back door she starts wheeking for England, getting louder and louder till she's back in the hutch. (She's not always out on her own, often with one of the others indoors as well).

I think she is so clever to know which part of the kitchen she's in! Apart from that though, does she wheek so loudly because she is excited at going back and seeing the others or because she doesn't want to? She is adorable when she's in, very relaxed, licks us,sits up in our hands cleaning her face quite often, so really tame; I don't think she's unhappy at all. And she mutters and does little squeaks the whole time, just doesn't stop, but quietly.

Why the big wheeks then when she knows she's going home to the hutch?
I'm not sure - my piggies hardly ever wheek, but sometimes they're wheeking really quietly then suddenly massive wheeks come from them and it's like...."see mum! we can wheek when we wanna" but I dunno, just thought I'd add something ;D
Not sure but mine always wheek when the hear the fridge door go and rustling bags they know veggies are on the way ;D
only one of mine wheeks and only at dinner time, wish they did it more often, love to hear it
Wilson does this when he hears his food ;D he did it today when i put I'm in a box too ;D lol he might have been calling for the baby himi pig? lol
Petal wheeks sooooo loudly unlike Jessie shes the quiet one. Infact i was woken up today at 5.30pm (had migraine so sleeping) by the loudest wheeking from Petal cos i slept through tea time and she never stopped till the veg was in the cage ;D ;D
I have 7 pigs in the living room next to the kitchen and as soon as i walk into or out of the kitchen harry and maggs will start wheeking, and if i open the fridge, even more so...but if the salad drawer opens, oh my gosh the noise!!

If i am cutting something on the chopping board harry starts makeing a loud wheeking noise and the others join in...They are all soooooooo loud! I will have to record a soundclip somehow, its amazing...
LOL Duke does something similar, just not as loud :o, when i walk down the stairs he starts up a chatter and little cooing noises i think he's happy to be going back to his house :smitten:
Monty wheeks when I clean the cage out! Also when its tea time, they have lots of veggies then and as soon as I open the back door I can hear all 9 of them! I think its when they want attention, like if they are after food or also if they have been in the run for a while and they are ready to go back in the cage.
on of my piggys wheeks is so loud we call it a scream. It happens whenever she's put with her mum, usually accompanied by her darting as fast as she can as far away from her as she can.
She also wheeks loudly when I'm giving her something nice. That's her being delighted.
Another loud wheek is when you suprise her. Like she was running on my bedroom floor and my bloke stepped near her.
Squeak wheeks (oo that rhymes!) when she hears the back door key turn, she jumps up and down and wheeks - when I come out she gets louder and louder and my next door neighbour actually came out cause she could hear her the other day (Luckily she's a BIG animal lover!)

I just LOVE hearing piggies wheeking, makes me feel like I'm doing a good job at keeping her happy :) hehehe
its sooo funny when we go in and break a carrot and you have loads of them kicking off 2funny
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