What do I do with my spare c&c grids?


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 3, 2018
Reaction score
I just built my cage and I have loads left over because I bought 60 odd of grids hahah, is there anything else I can use them for?
I made two floor pens out of mine plus four grids block the bottom of the stairs, six block the electrical wires in the living room and eight cover the gaps in the units in the kitchen. They are cable tied together in lengths and opened out in a sort of concertina so they stay standing up even if knocked by running piggies at floor time. Because they are in lengths they fold up small and go away in a cupboard easily. I join the ends of the runs with bull dog clips, these are also going to be useful when I take two of the piggies on holiday with me.
I would keep them as you never know. Also I find they’re becoming quite hard to find now.