what are they doing ?

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Jun 18, 2010
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my two boys are about 12 weeks old now and i bought them at the same time, from the same cage and they have always appeared to get on well. today, however, they are exhibiting behaviour i have not seen before. they are making a low pitched sound and circling each other slowly. what does this mean ? have they fallen out ? will they resolve it or have they decided to dislike each other ? its really quite bizzare ! many thanks for any ideas on this subject
That's just something boys do, they're arguing over dominance, but hopefully it won't escalate into a fight.
thanks for that but on futher investigation they both have war wounds :( I'm really worried about them now ! what do i have to do about it ? is there anything i can do ? chowder has a bloody nose and a bitten ear and humbug has a cut mouth and a bitten ear too . just wish they would make friends !
Oh no, :( Usually boys bought as babies together will get on fine, but there's always a chance they could fight.

I would separate them for now, since there have been bites, and maybe they'd be able to be paired up again sometime, but I'm not sure :(

Hopefully someone comes along who has dealt with boars fighting before and knows.

It could be, that if their cage is a bit small then they're more likely to fight so that's something to think about. They also recommend for boars to have a food bowl each, a water bottle each, a bed/hidey house each, etc. to lessen the chance of them fighting.
thankyou for your help. sigh ... i just wanted them to be best pals ! will definately look into getting a bigger cage. if just left (even though they have come to blows) would they be likely to sort it out eventually ? i am reluctant to seperate them as i fear re introduction problems at a later date ! do girls exhibit the same behaviour ?
Sorry to hear about that once blood is drawn you really should separate.Put them side by side with mesh between lots of owners do that with boars and they should settle.This age is start of the hormones and it can heighten !
If in doubt you could always look into neutering by an experienced vet and pair them up with a sow each !
Helen xx>>>
They may just be asserting their dominance and after a bit of time settle down, just keep a close eye on them.
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