What are the chances?

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Jul 30, 2007
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Liverpool, UK
Hi everyone, ive been having problems trying to work out how to deal with space in the new shed I'm getting, ive got 2 sets of 2 sows and a neutered boar at the moment who is separate and ive got 2 baby girls coming in december. What i'd like to know is what do you all think the chances are of me getting them all to bond? 2 sows are 5and a half months, 1 is 3months and one is 2months, the 2 new ones coming will be 7 weeks, and Ralfie the boar is about 2years, maybe older. In the past ive wimped out of bonding both Sephy and Maggie with the older sows because there is a lot of chattering etc and it freaks me out! One of the older sows chattered at Ralfie when i tried to introduce them a few months ago and lunged at him a bit. I just wanted to know if any of you think its possible to bond them at these ages or should i wait and try when they're all adults? It would just mean a lot more space for them if i could free range them all in there together. Obviously it doesnt matter if they wont bond i can just keep them in pairs but they'll have less space :) thanks for any advice!
Emma x
I would def try and bond them all, you just need to give them time to settle in :) Unless they look like they are actually going to attack eachother, dont take them out....there is bound to be some reshuffling, but it can work if you just try and be less tense :)
wellllllllllllllllllllllll :D
If theres only 1 boar with lots of sows then thats fine no matter what any of the ages are asl ong as theres no more than 1 boar as those 2 boars will fight over the sows :)
One of the older sows is great, shes so laid back and has more or less accepted everyone ive tried her with instantly, but when i put younger ones in with her and the other older one its them two that end up fighting because Bee (the one who chatters at the babies and Ralfie) seems to attack or go for babies whereas Bumble (the laid back one) seems to defend younger ones and gets in front of them and starts chattering at Bee. I suppose its because it would be between them who is the boss. I just find it hard to hear the poor babies squeaking but i persevered with Sephy and Maggie and they're ok now. its stressful business lol! And yep Ralfie is the only man for me :smitten: him and my cat, no more boys for me! x
I would just put a small box in, so the smaller piggies can run away if they want...

But if you want them as a group, you need to bond them as a group, just give them a few hours in teh run, and I'm sure they will be fine O0

Keep us updated! :)
Have you set up your shed yet ? if not before you organise it all could you not just have a little try so to speak......obviously with you in there too,and see what happens...at least you'll be on hand to intervene if necessary! Georgie was 4 1/2 when I put in the loons and as soon as they decided she was boss it was fine,and I shan't be hesitating to put in dolly when she arrives either....I don't see you have anything to lose...if it doesn't work go back to the original plan
good luck sammy xx
I think because you will have them freerange they will all have plenty of space and so you shouldn't have a problem. Let us know how you get on though.x
Thanks everyone, well ive already got the C&C grids from their old cages, id have to section off some of the shed for storage but its a 10x8 shed lol so they'd stil have loads of room, that was kind of my thinking Sammy. They are getting on now with at least one other so nobody would be on their own (apart from maybe Ralf who doesnt seem to notice if he's with anyone or not) Bumble and Bee have always gone back to being best mates as soon as the younger ones have been taken out so i dont have anything to lose, if it doesnt work out they'll still have lots of room. would they be warm enough free range though if it did work out? with them being on the floor? All going well the shed should be getting sorted next week, my dad's coming to level the ground on saturday then its just when it can be delivered, still got to get my dad to insulate it once its up but that shouldnt take him more than an hour or two. i think if they got on i wouldnt want to split them up again incase it didnt work the next time lol ;D so think ill wait till the sheds here, plus the babies arent coming until 1st december so as PP says I'm probably best introducing them all at once. Still scepticle but with a large group it may work ? Bee wont know who to attack 1st ;D x
I have a nuetered boy, that I've had the longest. He now lives with 5 sows, which I have added one at a time over a year. They have all just accepted every newcomer without a single rumble or toothchatter. Hope it works the same for you!
Hi Emma,

I think it's a great idea. The teeth chattering is scary Twinkle still does it at Sunshine I just tell him to be quiet and call him a big girlie and he soon shuts up!...lol

I do think you are better off introducing when they are all together and in a new setting such as the shed. I had success with Sunshine and Twinkle when introducing them both to the Lavander Lodge.

It should work, it is defo worth a try! :D

Thanks Becca and Louise :) if it were anyone else id tell them to 'go ahead it will probably work' but i dont seem to have much luck with bonding ;D i will give it a go though when the sheds up, and i will be strong and not take anyone out until it really looks nasty! Hope it does work. I'm starting to have the 'what if' thoughts about the whole shed idea lol, like what if they miss having just one friend? What if Ralf gets sick again and they all get it? What if they dont like being outside because its so cold and quiet? They are used to us popping our heads round the door and saying hi to them whenever we're upstairs :'( i want them to stay in the house! But i cant there's just too many of them! x
I would suggest adding one at a time, give it half an hour and put another in. I got 11 living together sucessfully thast way O0
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