What Are My Guinea Pigs Trying To Tell Me?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
Deane, Bolton, uk
After much research and many apps with sounds and youtube I'm still struggling to understand which squeak means which?!? When i pick one up she enjoys being stroked but then she randomly starts squeaking and like lifts up her upper part as though shes trying to look up at something if that makes sense and today they were both doing the same squeak to each other when one was on my knee and one still in the cage as i was sorting out her eye drop and cant hold 2 by myself. So any help so i know if they are happy being on my lap or not they really dont seem unhappy though and have been really giddy n happy n popcorning in the cage today lol all help and advise is welcome :)
Its not in a fast sharp movement either when she lifts her head its her whole body lifting up and squeaking. I did read quick sharp head movements was them sayinf stop petting but its more like forward but lifting up...really hard to describe so struggling on what to type in google lol
I am sure they like you :) Sometimes they can squeak if they are on laps for too long and they want to go home. One of our piggies squeaks for her friends at laptime as she doesn't like to be separated from them for too long.

Hope her eye gets better soon
I am sure they like you :) Sometimes they can squeak if they are on laps for too long and they want to go home. One of our piggies squeaks for her friends at laptime as she doesn't like to be separated from them for too long.

Hope her eye gets better soon

Well she did only start squeaking once kayie pig in the cage was squeaking. Ill send a video tomorrow and if you could help figure out the squeak it would put my mind at rest ha
Will try my best
I hope this works it wouldnt let me upload it it said something about not having an extention or something

Sadly, I am not allowed to see the video (have you checked the privacy settings?).

Your little one is likely trying to stay in contact with her companion. Many youngsters are basically chatterboxes that shut up only when they are eating or sleeping. You can usually gauge their mood from the frequency and pitch - the louder, higher and intense the squeaking the more emotions are involved. Some littles can be real drama queens, though!
Sadly, I am not allowed to see the video (have you checked the privacy settings?).

Your little one is likely trying to stay in contact with her companion. Many youngsters are basically chatterboxes that shut up only when they are eating or sleeping. You can usually gauge their mood from the frequency and pitch - the louder, higher and intense the squeaking the more emotions are involved. Some littles can be real drama queens, though!

Is it working now? Well it does sound like they are just trying to tell each other where they are ect but its cause they lift up i wasnt sure if they were happy or not ha
Sadly, I can still not access it, but from your description and my experience, I would assume that your little just wants to be back the companion.
Sadly, I can still not access it, but from your description and my experience, I would assume that your little just wants to be back the companion.[/QUOTE

Well thankyou for the advise i normally get them out togrther when my bf is round but gor now it has to be one at a time
From what you describe, I am wondering if they are trying to make sure that the other pig is still there when they are separated. My original pair would do this when they were quite young. We gave them lap time separately (as the dominant pig did NOT like sharing her humans! LOL!), but they would always wheek for each other and answer one another while they were apart. Eventually they stopped doing this, as I guess they figured out that their buddy would still be there when they got back and there was no need to keep checking!

My experience is that the standing on tiptoes with the front feet with the head up is an alertness thing. Mine do this when they are curious about something, smell something interesting, or hear something interesting. It's an 'I'm paying attention!' kind of body language.
Aww thankyou thats really helpful. We had them both out yesterday together and katie pig was rushing about eveeywhere and my boyfriend thought she was just really curious but turns out she just needed a poo so did it all over him haha it was only after i remembered rhat is rhe sign they need rhe toilet. So many things to try and remember but I'm getting there ha x
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