What am I doing wrong?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, England
Well...I have no idea what I'm doing wrong so thought I'd start this topic..

Pepper and Beauty have been here since Boxing Day 2006 - they were about 6-7 months old. I've now had them for 4ish months and they still don't trust me..Whenever I walk past there cage they run away and hide. I sit next to there cage for hours talking to them and offering them treats (usually their favourite veggies) but they never come to me and just sit there staring like 'what?' My mum does the same whilst I'm at school when she feeds them their veggies, but they don't come to her either. Once they're out of the cage they're lovely during lap time and snuggle into my lap and sleep occasionally. When they're having floor time or in their run if I sit still for a while they will approach me (with caution) but if I go to stroke them whilst talking to them a lot they run. I make really slow movements around them and talk to them all the time yet they're still scared of me.

Any ideas what we're doing wrong? I know I should have patience etc. but shouldn't they trust me after 4 months? and I also know every piggy is different so yeah...Just wondering if there's something we should be doing to persuade them to trust us more? I wouldn't swap them for anything and I love them soo much, so don't get me wrong here.

My girls are like this so I started to take a bit of their veggies before I put it in and get them to take it from my hand this has taken some time as they have to build up the confidence. Whilst I do this I call their names, Amber is brilliant at it now and comes to see me at the cage door quite happily but I'm still working on the other two. Now I have Ronald and Donald and I am starting all over again and they really do have a mistrust of humans but they are gradually getting better at being held but I find bribery always works! ;) I think you are doing all the right things it just takes time!
Thanks. I do that but they never come over to me? If Beauty is sat on my lap he will eat food from me but Pepper wont.

Will carry on trying then.
It sounds like you are doing everything right Jane so don't worry!

I think some pigs are just generally less sociable towards people than others - especially if they are bonded to another pig as I think then they don't feel the need to bond to a person as strongly.

I have had my Oscar since he was a tiny baby over 3 years ago but he is still a real grumpy pig! He will come over to me when he feels like it not when I want him to and woe betide me if I try and get him to interact with me when he isn't in the mood. Chester on the other hand is only just coming up to 6 months old so still a baby really but is really friendly with me - he comes when I call him and always stands at the front for a head rub if I'm near the cages. I think it comes down to personality more than anything else so please don't take it personally!
Thanks starshine ;)

I guess I will just keep at it, maybe they will come around, maybe not..either way I love them ;) :smitten: They're not actually living together at the moment due to disagreements, but have been having lap time/floor time/run time together for a while now so hopefully they'll be living together tomorrow or Sunday!
We've got five piggies and two of them are exactly like yours. Very nervous and run away as soon as you look at them! They are both around 6 months old. I've put it down to timid personalities as I treat them all the same. The sister of one of my shy ones is also 6 months old and completely different.

I've been trying to handle them more and now they will both come and take food from my hand when they're in the safety of their run (!), they then leg it to a hidey hole with their treat! But they are getting a bit better. I don't think there's a trick to it really, you're doing all you can.

Such a shame though isn't it, when you love 'them to bits and just want them to come to you! I know how you feel! ;)
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