What Age Is Normal For Pigs To Pass Away?

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Cavy Lover

Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 18, 2014
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Sorry I am not sure what section to put this in, sorry in advance if this is in the wrong place.

I was just wondering what is the average age for a guinea pig to pass away? I know in books and online it says 5-8 years but my two pigs both passed away at a similar age. Age 3 and nearly 3. I know it also depends on the reasons they died but I was wondering.

My youngest was only 2, but she had a womb infection. Survived the spay but didn't recover and died a few days later. Then the next was 4, then 8 and then 6. All the others were healthy and hearty, until they weren't!
I think it just depends on illnesses, infections, their genetic make up. I've had one live to about 8.5 years and another die at under 2 but most of mine have been around the 5-6 years age when they have died. I think veterinary care is so much better now that I'm sure my beautiful Nutmeg who was under 2 when she passed (in about 2001 ) would have survived much longer. I'm also much more aware of behaviour and illness than I was back then, so that's probably a help too. My current batch are all rather elderly (the old ladies are both well over 5, Mr Ted is about 4 and Mollie the youngster is over 3).
My Nuggets dies at 4, then the next day his wife pig Noodles gave up and died - she was 5 1/2 - her sister is now just over 6 - the rest of my surviving piggies are 4 1/2 (Bumble) and my two rescue sows who are both nearly 6 and getting a bit of arthritis.
My P was an old man, he was a rescue so no idea on age he was riddled with arthritis and had cataracts in both eyes.

Bette was an older girl as well again rescue I believe she was over 5.

Milo was definetly over 5, Pebbles I had 5 years she was supposed to be 18 months when I got her. Wilma Pebbles sister I have had 6 years, Fred I also have had 6 years both still happy and healthy, Esme died at 4.

I also have Penfold who is on limited time, he's under 2 :(.
hi, you could expect 10 to 14 years if keped indoors
i think average is around 5-6 usually. nowhere near long enough :(

my first two piggies, ches and maisie, both lived until 6 but poor eddie was only 2yrs 7months when we had to let him go due to kidney disease and failure :(

my current two are 4yrs 7months (mollie) and 2yrs (benjie) and will hopefully be around a long time yet :)
hi, you could expect 10 to 14 years if keped indoors

Could I ask where you have got this information from? I have found it very rare to hear of a guinea pig reaching 10 years of age, despite a large number of members on here keeping their pigs indoors.
:D Barring illness, the average lifespan used to be 5-6, but nowadays more like 6-8. My oldest two both died at 6 years, 4 months. There is one piggie, named Sweetie, who is thought to be 14 years +. He was featured in an issue of Guinea Pig Magazine.
I have always said, they're here for as long as they're here! As long as they have a good life, then that's good enough for me. Quality over quantity every time!

100% this. What a fantastic reply.

I find 4-6 to be about average for mine and unfortunately since adopting I've found that I've lost more 'before their time'. Whether that's just because I have a lot more now than I ever had so I was always going to get proportionally more who weren't fortunate enough to have years ahead of them or because of their genetic/pre adoption health histories I don't know.

My first three guinea pigs (15-20 years ago now) lived to just under 9, 7.5 and 7 respectively, since then 7 has been the oldest (to my knowledge) that I've had but most have been in the 4-6 range when they've passed away. I've currently got one that's probably about 6 now, if not older and a few knocking 6 and unfortunately, they're starting to look old. :(

At the end of the day though, furryfriends is totally right, they're here as long as they're here. :)
Could I ask where you have got this information from? I have found it very rare to hear of a guinea pig reaching 10 years of age, despite a large number of members on here keeping their pigs indoors.

many of mine are 10 and older, l recantaly had a 10yeary old x breader Sow (Marge) that had a histerecomy and is fully healed and looking forwad to a few more years.
NB Reason for marges histerectomy was she had a prolase,
I have always heard that the average guinea pig lifespan is between 5 and 7 years. However, that's obviously going to vary between individuals based on genetics, history of illness, etc. Out of mine that have passed on, one lived to the ripe old age of 6 years and 3 months, the other passed away after a massive infection in her tooth root and jawbone at only 20 months. Right now I have one oldie, Sundae, who is 5 years and 9 months old. She keeps on trucking, but she definitely looks like an elderly pig now (less muscle mass, a little slower, eyesight appears to be failing, etc.) And Hadley hopefully still has a long life ahead of her, as she is only 1.
I agree - mine probably average 5-6 years... but its so variable, I lost Patch (my shortest-lived) at just over 2 years and Harley (my longest-lived) at just over 8 years. The most important lesson my pigs have taught me is to make the most of everyday, life is short...
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